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  1. R

    prince thE besTTTTT!

    completed deaL with him. trusted seller :fum:
  2. R

    Completed new prince deal

    tHanks alot PRINCE! Picked uP today! i go to other city to pick up them :)))))))) nice work
  3. R

    Completed new prince deal

    for 5k wu.\money sent via bitcoin :D please confirm thanks
  4. R

    Completed Deal with Prince

    picked up dude! good job looool :O you\re awesome :X
  5. R

    Completed Deal with Prince

    Prince, I have sent 1.729 BTC to the escrow
  6. R

    Verified Selling GOLD 15 - 300 grams - 24 Karat (Escrow) (Safe)

    any possible options for 10 or 15 grams? wanna try to buy something low first
  7. R

    Verified Carding WesternUnion, MoneyGram, Bank - Transferring -WorldWide [ MTCN in 3 hours ]

    I'm newbie here can you make a test transaction of western union for $100?
  8. R

    Hello, New here

    Hello all, Ramsez here I'm a newbie
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