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  1. stellla

    FREE Antidetect 7 crack

    This thing is ultra leaked and there are still sellers making money out of this. I'm giving out this for free in the proper section!aNYmUR7A!CpejE_rAGOv-H2Io_lNFRmc1uHdcAyN4wRE1VtUs4SU
  2. stellla

    The xBox I carded Arrived on Wednesday!

  3. stellla

    Apple proof, but am confused

  4. stellla

    Absolute Crypter v19.7

  5. stellla

    Electric Crypter | Delphi Stub - (.NET Builder) | Not Cracked

    Here is the builder for Electric Crypter. The user pissed me off so I am leaving it here for you guys to do w/e you want with it. It is coded in VB and I believe it was confused with Confuser. It is using NetSeal. It always has like 10+ detections anyways, even right after he updates it. He can...
  6. stellla

    [Cracked] Blackshades NET 4.8

    Be angry at me for making this thread but whatever. The old one got bombarded with hatred for HF and everything "useful" got buried (I personally think the other one needs to be trashed). I'm sick of getting PMs from people asking me how to set up the MySQL server and XAMPP as well. So, to put a...
  7. stellla

    Exclamation Gorynych/DiamondFox Panel

    Download : Password :
  8. stellla

    PayPal Checker and PayPal Valid Email Checker

    PayPal Checker and PayPal Valid Email Checker - No Log - No Kill PayPal Checker !! PayPal Valid Email Checker !!
  9. stellla

    (DAILY) 2015 Cardable Sites by Respect! +proofs!

    Hi , carders! In this thread i'll post cardable sites with worldwide shipping , all tested and working 100% Let's start with these: - bill=ship , no socks or vpn. works with public cc , but its better to use a priv8 one! - bill=ship , no socks or vpn...
  10. stellla


    Download :
  11. stellla

    Safeloader PRIVATE Leaked

    Scorpio's botnet leaked by S1lence, apparently he was charging 300$ for this shit I checked the server nothing more than stolen codes from MadAntrax (FB + TW) spreads. This has spread of USB, Twitter, Facebook, Edit hosts, download execute, uninstall, update. Server coded in vbs enjoy. Features...
  12. stellla

    Havij V1.16 Pro Portable Cracked [AoRE Team

  13. stellla

    Arrow Android IBanking Botnet

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  14. stellla

    Hydra Botnet (Tor Based Botnet)

    Hydra Botnet is a tor based prof of concept. hydra is a modified version of umbra loader made for use over tor, the panel is from aldi botnet as i am lazy. i am not responsible for what you do with this code. the botnet has some simple functions...
  15. stellla

    [Python] Admin to System Privilege Escalation

    This is a very simple privilege escalation technique, from admin to System. This is the same technique PSExec uses. 1) Scan all processes for System token. 2) Copy System token. 3) Adjust Current token. 4) Start process as System. 5) Revert to self. import sys, os from ctypes import * if not...
  16. stellla

    This is a python Ram Scraper. RAM scraping is a technique used by POS malware to get

    from ctypes import * import os ### Setting the necessary vars and structs LPVOID = c_void_p HANDLE = LPVOID DWORD = c_uint32 WORD = c_uint16 UINT = c_uint INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = c_void_p(-1).value LONG = c_long PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008 PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION =...
  17. stellla

    Python - FTP Brute Force v 1.3 - Working

    > Enter the server address ex. > Mi sto connettendo all'host. . . > access allowed > Enter the number of threads: 100 > Enter the username or login, hit enter to randomize: > Enter '1' to use a password list or '0' to randomize: 0 > Drag the file here password_list.txt and hit...
  18. stellla

    Python Facebook Cracker v 3 - 2015

    #!usr/bin/python #Facebook Cracker Version 2 can crack into Facebook Database 100% without Interruption By Facebook Firewall ! #This program is for educational purposes only. #Don't attack people facebook accounts it's illegal ! #If you want to crack into someone's account, you must have...
  19. stellla

    SSH - RDP - SMTP - Scanners Crackers

    1 :- SSH Scanner - Still Working and i use for cracking Root SSH 2 :- RDP Scanner Working Good 3 :- RDP Scanner Still Working Good Scan All Type Ip Ranges Download : 4 :- Lazzy SSH Scanner Working 100% And Best Scanner For Roots Buy New Version just 2$ for unlimited threads site :-...
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