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  1. Z

    Prince feedback .. NEW RECEIVED

    Thanks again dude!
  2. Z

    Prince feedback :D Money received. THANKS

    Thanks alot man. I vouch for him
  3. Z

    Completed 4979$ sent for M33 miner deal

    RECEIVED :| I'm shocked bro, you are so fucking goood! thanks alot bro. give me your btc address and i will give you an bonus :X damn bro... i can't belive that!
  4. Z

    Completed 4979$ sent for M33 miner deal

    SURE MAN. I WILL DO THAT! After i will receive, you will have a bonus from me! Give me your BTC address and i will give you some BTC as gift!
  5. Z

    Completed 4979$ sent for M33 miner deal thanks! :D
  6. Z

    Verified KnC Neptune Miner 3TH/s+ BitCoin Miner

    received the miners from him. plase complete my deal 20 minutes ago receved! thanks alot mate.
  7. Z

    Completed M33 7.622 btc deal for KNC miner

    RECEIVEEEEEEED! Someoe called me 30 minutes ago to to i street. they was from dhl :X i received it and now i test t!greaaaaat work my sir!
  8. Z

    Completed M33 7.622 btc deal for KNC miner

    I checked the tracking number and i saw that i will receive the package tomorrow :D I will confirm here tomorrow after i check if it's work
  9. Z

    Completed M33 7.622 btc deal for KNC miner

    hello M33 . i sent to escrow the bitcoins. please confirm escrow. i gave you te address where to shipp :fum: thanks. i waiting the tracking number
  10. Z

    Completed Deal with Goreny for 3 iPhone 6 Plus - 2 gold and 1 silver

    i got the iPhones today at 09:00 in morning thnx for the deal i want to buy 15 pieces iphone 6 plus again escrow release the money to my bro Goreny
  11. Z

    Completed Deal with Goreny for 3 iPhone 6 Plus - 2 gold and 1 silver

    it says i would receive tomorrow :) thanks
  12. Z

    Completed Deal with Goreny for 3 iPhone 6 Plus - 2 gold and 1 silver

    hello i just made a deal with Goreny i paid for 3 iphones 6 plus 2 gold and 1 silver paid: $580 btc shipping to USA
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