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  1. D

    Completed Deal again with Prince 690$ btc for 6.000$ wu

    i picked up the money 1 week ago, but i forgot to reply here. I made new deal with prince, but in private. Thank you guys !
  2. D

    Completed Deal again with Prince 690$ btc for 6.000$ wu

    Hello prince.. After my first test deal was completed, i want to deal again... i just paid 690$ bitcoin to escrow. please confirm
  3. D

    Completed wu transfer with prince

    I received the money.. i wand to deal again... i just sent 690$ for 6.000$ wu please confirm my new deal, thanks !
  4. D

    Completed wu transfer with prince

    First order with prince for 1.2k western union  payment confirmed by escrow already
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