Search results

  1. S

    Verified Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro (110Th) Bitcoin miner carding

    LEGIT. I vouch for him. Already bought wih successfull! Good job bro
  2. S

    Completed 19.7 BTC sent for KnC miner M33 DEAL

    thanks sir M33 . i have received the miners. good job mate :fum:
  3. S

    Completed I buy again from M33 10 BTC snet to escrow. KNC MINER

    This man is awesome! :| I have received bro. Thank you !
  4. S

    Completed 19.7 BTC sent for KnC miner M33 DEAL

    Please confim, escrow. I want to buy other miners for a friend :D Thanks
  5. S

    Verified Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro (110Th) Bitcoin miner carding

    100% trusted seller. I bought from him! I vouch for my friend :fum:
  6. S

    Completed 24 x KnC miner deal with M33 29.97726047 BTC

    good job again sir! i have 24 knc miners in my home! thanks alot! you are the beste seller of this community and from the world! respect!
  7. S

    Completed I buy again from M33 10 BTC snet to escrow. KNC MINER

    Here i've sent. Please cofnirm thanks 10 btc = $ 5,086.70 I want knc miner
  8. S

    Completed 24 x KnC miner deal with M33 29.97726047 BTC

    please confirm my transaction. i have sent here: TX ID: 3cfe35c4b301e4b9232083ab43fa410553052608c142400c43872b64794633a0 Thanks
  9. S

    Completed 15.7843 BTC for KnC miner

    awwessommmeeee!!! i have received bro ! loool! i cn't belive. thanks alot man. i'm your client from now and i'll buy daily from you. thanks, thanks, thanks. you saved me!
  10. S

    Completed 15.7843 BTC for KnC miner

    Please confirm escrow. I want to deal with M33 and i want to buy KnC miner. THANKS! :fum:
  11. S

    Completed $175 in BTC for $1700 PayPal with M33

    yes I received now. thanks bro...
  12. S

    Completed $175 in BTC for $1700 PayPal with M33

    I sent $175 to Tornado, the escrow, for $1700 in PayPal from M33 .
  13. S

    Completed $175 in BTC for PayPal with M33

    I sent $175 to the escrow for $1700 in PayPal from M33 .
  14. S

    Verified Electronics Carding, Carding iPhone, Samsung Carding, MacBook Carding,Laptops Carding

    Is there a flatrate for reshipping? I may purchase some Notes and laptops.
  15. S

    Trying to learn. Anyone want to help?

    I'd like to learn about everything from shelling to botnets to anything and everything. I have basic knowledge of a lot, but am not a professional at much. Even though it is recommended not to, I am learning C++ this upcoming summer. The only other languages I know are web based, sadly not...
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