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  1. thor1234

    Zeus Setup Advanced Tutorial [DraculaParc]

    This Tutorial is for education purposes ONLY and I am NOT responsible in any way on how you use the information provided and what you do with the files. Thank you and enjoy reading. First of all I want to tell you that ZeuS Bot is the most illegal bot out there. It is the only bot that connects...
  2. thor1234

    Generate the PERFECT wordlist to crack passwords ★ VIDEO-Tutorial

    Especially WiFi passwords are mostly chosen very poorly by their owner, because people have freinds coming in and want to be able to give them their WiFi password easily. That's why sometimes ALL it takes is a good wordlist that can crack a WiFi password (or any other password for that matter)...
  3. thor1234

    2016 Fast+Accurate+Current Physical&Virtual CC Hacking Tutorial Complete

    Anyone here who says they can teach you or show you more than what is right here is lying or scamming. I not only have an understanding of the abstract methodology but also a deep understanding of the underlying technology. This information is worthless to me though I want thousands or tens of...
  4. thor1234

    Carding ETickets and Giftcards - Let's all help eachother

    So the way I use it I can easily buy etickets and groupon vouchers I ran win 7 w vpn and use Vmware w vpn as well I change socks5 using either VIP72 or other services and I make sure the IP is not blacklisted using this website and also I...
  5. thor1234

    Hello guys

    Heelo , i am thor, my skill is spam1!
  6. thor1234


    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  7. thor1234

    "BitcoinBuster" or Wallet Clipboard Rewrite by Becks

    Hey, It's not really worth a thread but I got a bunch of messages where I was asked if I could share it so fuck it here it is. It's pretty simple, that's why I don't know why people ask for more than 1$ for it (because you could code it in like 5 min.). My tool, after you built it, scans the...
  8. thor1234

    Lanspread with ms10-046 source

    Hi guys i just mashed something together that should work in theory. I moded this and used it as a base for the program This scans for shared folders from to In shared docs it forms the vuln .LNK leading to...
  9. thor1234

    Vortex 0.1 (Unfinished)

    Hi All! It's been like ages ago I was active here and since most of my time is spent on working and other fun stuff, I have decided to share, what was going to be my craziest RAT ever. Unfortunately I lost interest in the scene and moved on to other projects. So I give to you my legacy PS: I...
  10. thor1234

    Umbra Loader Formgrabber Source Plugin/DL Link!

    This one is stripped down, it doesnt include the Chrome Grabber (because i still use statics adresses for the hook) and rootkit is removed too(due stability issues). Howto: -Install Webpanel 0.2 -Compile grab and formgrab -Upload them to the /plugins/FormGrabber/ directory -Use "Plugin" command...
  11. thor1234


    Hello community, I wanna present to you the first pure .NET VNC Server which I coded entirely in the C# programming language. These are its features so far: - Very small (46 KB), stable and multithreaded .NET VNC Server component - Supports RFB Protocol version 3.3, 3.7 and 3.8 - Supports the...
  12. thor1234

    Crypter source [BIN+STUB]

    Hi i got scammed again and this guy wanted a public crypter same HF guy wanted to start a public crypting service. The Builder is VB.NET and stub is C/C++ please fuck it as much as you can
  13. thor1234

    Social St3aler | Facebook, Instagram + Twitter Cracker | Fast | Multi-Threaded

    Features: Facebook Cracker Instagram Cracker Twitter cracker 3 password lists: 1k, 5k and 10k. Multi-threaded Proxy Grabber (Coming soon!) Packages: 2 day Teaser - $5.00 7 day Trial - $8.99 Lifetime License - $24.99 $19.99 till 5/1/2015 DOWLOAND LİNK
  14. thor1234

    HawkEye Keylogger v3 [Cracked]

    Download :
  15. thor1234

    LoadHTTP Shit Bot Builder

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  16. thor1234

    Athena 1.0.8 HTTP Bot Builder

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  17. thor1234

  18. thor1234

    icq - yahoo

    some know how to be anonymouse with ICQ or yahoo?? thank you
  19. thor1234

    good or not?

    is someone still making money with ewhoring? how much you make per day?
  20. thor1234

    Verified Carding PayPal, Payza, Ukash, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill - TRANSFER [Escrow accepted]

    someone can tell me (also by pm) once i pay for paypal accounts, how to use the money in that account without any risk??? thank you
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