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  1. C

    How To Jack Tumblr Accounts

    Tumblr Jacking Method 1. Go to so you can search for a trademark name ( you will need this for later ) http:// trademarkia . com 2. Search for the Tumblr name you would want on http:// trademarkia . com 3. Find a trademark on that word such as hackforums etc, just make sure that Tumblr does...
  2. C

    MyBB 1.8.x SQL Injection tutorial

    Found this awhile ago, might be useful for someone. Works from 1.8 to 1.8.2 I believe. vimeo . com / 111919979
  3. C

    Cozman Here!

    Greetings dear members, i am Cozman from CA My Skills: Coder, Spammer, Hacker and Security Researcher. Nice to meet you all, p.s great FORUM! :cool:
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