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  1. U

    iPad mini 4 64gb Recieved

  2. U

    12.555 BTC sent to escrow for M33 deal

    man don't do this.. i received the package 3 days ago but i forgot to post :(. i received it.thanks alot bro. complete my deal and send the money to M33 . sorry that i forgot !
  3. U

    12.555 BTC sent to escrow for M33 deal

    thank you bro :fum: :c00lbert::c00lbert::c00lbert: i got the tracking number and it's valid. i think on monday i will receive the pack. you will hav emy confirmation to escrow once i will receive it. great job man
  4. U

    12.555 BTC sent to escrow for M33 deal

    Hello escrow, please confirm my deal. i have sent to escrow bitcoin address 12.555 btc - fee included. i want o receive alienware from M33 .
  5. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    my alienware+iphones+macbook pro received yesterday man! fuuuuck! you are awesome man! thankss! gooood job dude with this service.. i will tell to my friends about you. cheers..
  6. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    not received yet, but i checked the tracking number and i saw that tomorrow i will receive. i'll answer here :D
  7. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    Tracking number received. Thanks. I will reply here once i will receive the pack!
  8. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    Was in my last PM from 2 days ago. New PM sent. Thanks!
  9. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    Sent 9.075BTC for a deal with M33 Thanks for confirming
  10. U

    Completed BTC for M33

    Sent 9.075BTC for a deal with M33 Thanks for confirming
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