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  1. O

    Prince is 100% legit

    I want to thank you prince... today i piced up the money. my first deal was completed !
  2. O

    Completed first trade with Prince 3000 Western Union

    woowowow ! This is sooo nice man.. thanks prince... i picked up the 3000$ westernunion today. cheers bro ! I will tell to all my friends Great job !
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    Completed first trade with Prince 3000 Western Union

    @princetrans$r can we do it with secret question:)
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    Completed first trade with Prince 3000 Western Union

    @princetrans$r update deal please :) @escrow thank you
  5. O

    Completed first trade with Prince 3000 Western Union

    I have send it to you. Check pm
  6. O

    Completed first trade with Prince 3000 Western Union

    Made a payment of 0.5107 bitcoins to adress : 1PU5fLzZ8KixBFHwgi2Q3pTGczsdJMMF6T For 3000$ WU for 490$ with Princetrans$r Transid : bd136c31e3964a991ba72684b9735c4f832e7392e297dc55873c04d600aa4164. @escrow please confirm payment. @princetrans$r please confirm order.
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