Search results

  1. T

    Completed deal with Prince (580$ sent for 4k MG)

    picked up! thanks :d i got the money in my hand now :smoker:
  2. T

    Completed deal with Prince (580$ sent for 4k MG)

    [$4000 MG] for [ 580 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney] e-voucher sent to Tornado.. Please confirm
  3. T

    Completed Deal with M33 20 iPhone 5 = 800$ PerfectMoney

    receved damn bro :O i can't belive :))) goooood. thanks again
  4. T

    Completed Deal with M33 20 iPhone 5 = 800$ PerfectMoney

    Batch number 99817766 Please confirm.. i sent 800$. thanks
  5. T

    Completed again deal with Xardy wu transfer

    yes admin i revieved mtcn thanks :x:x nice work boss good and fast job nicely done thank you
  6. T

    Completed again deal with Xardy wu transfer

    admin please confirm my payment i sent mtcn to your pm thanks i am waiting for confirmation
  7. T

    Completed Deal with Xardy for wu transfer

    yes admin i got mtcn and its available for pick up:):) nice work boss i am going to pick money again than you man :x:x:x
  8. T

    Completed Deal with Xardy for wu transfer

    Im waiting...
  9. T

    Completed Deal with Xardy for wu transfer

    Complete Transaction of 175.00 USD to account U4849224 was successfully completed. Transaction batch#: 34789997 Timestamp: 09.16.2013, 20:26 Send money again
  10. T

    Completed Deal with Xardy for wu transfer

    Deal with Xardy for 1K wu transfer.
  11. T

    Verified Selling GOLD 15 - 300 grams - 24 Karat (Escrow) (Safe)

    i think its good to work with you :D
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