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    YouPHPTube 7.7 SQL Injection Vulnerability

    YouPHPTube <= 7.7 (getChat.json.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability ---------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Software Link: [-] Affected Versions: Version 7.7 and prior versions. [-] Vulnerability Description: User input passed through the...
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    sqlmap GUI v.01

    SQL Map GUI is a lightweight Windows application designed specifically as a GUI for the sqlmap program written in C# that automates the process of identifying and exploiting SQL injection flaws, and taking over of backend database servers. Its purpose is to help you query your database using...
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    Credit Card Carding Tutorial For Beginners 2022

    Disclaimer: The sole aim of this article is to disclose the truth behind carding to the general public. Therefore, every reader is responsible for the consequences of indulging in the carding format. History of Carding The origin of carding is in the U.S. in the 1980s, during which the BBSes...
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    The Fed Balance Sheet Just like any other balance sheet, the Fed's balance sheet consists of assets and liabilities. Every Thursday, the Fed issues its weekly H.4.1 report, which provides a consolidated statement of the condition of all the Federal Reserve banks, in terms of their assets and...
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    Sn1per v7.0 - Automated Pentest Framework

    Sn1per Community Edition is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. Sn1per Professional is Xero Security's premium reporting addon for Professional Penetration Testers, Bug Bounty Researchers and Corporate Security teams to...
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    Findomain - A Cross-Platform Tool

    A cross-platform tool that use Certificates Transparency logs to find subdomains. We currently support Linux, Windows and MacOS. How it works? It tool doesn't use the common methods for sub(domains) discover, the tool uses Certificate Transparency logs to find subdomains and it method make it...
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    WAFW00F v1.0.0 by carding forum

    WAFW00F identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products. How does it work: To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following: Sends a normal HTTP request and analyses the response; this identifies a number of WAF solutions. If that is not successful, it sends a number of...
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    PasteShr 1.6 SQL Injection

    PasteShr version 1.6 suffers from multiple remote SQL injection vulnerabilities. MD5 | 7a51baa5eca6c04a0eb42f1e84db549c Download
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    FinalRecon - OSINT Tool For All-In-One

    FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease. Features FinalRecon provides detailed information such as: Header Information WHOIS SSL Certificate Details Found Flag in SSL Certificate -...
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    PAnalizer - Pornography Analizer And Face Searching

    PAnalizer is a forensic tool, you can search pornographic images in a specific directory, this is util in Pedestrian Detection. Also, you can search a specific person in the image set, is necessary give to the application a few pictures of the person of interest. Download PAnalizer
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    iCULeak - Tool To Find And Extract Credentials

    Tool to find and extract credentials from phone configuration files in environments managed by Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager). When using Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager), phone configuration files are stored on a TFTP server. These phone configuration files quite frequently contain sensitive data...
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    ReconT - Reconnaisance / Footprinting / Information Disclosure by verified carding forum

    Recon-Tool made for reconnaissance and information gathering with an emphasis on simplicity. It will do everything from. Features Information Security Headers WAF Detector Banner Grabbing Phone Number Credit Card Number Email US Social Security Number Url Crawl Dom Paramter Url Internal...
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    CQTools - The New Ultimate Windows Hacking Toolkit

    CQURE Team has prepared tools used during penetration testing and packed those in a toolkit named CQTools. This toolkit allows to deliver complete attacks within the infrastructure, starting with sniffing and spoofing activities, going through information extraction, password extraction, custom...
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    BruteDum - Brute Force Attacks SSH, FTP, Telnet etc.

    BruteDum is a SSH, FTP, Telnet, PostgreSQL, RDP, VNC brute forcing tool with Hydra, Medusa and Ncrack. BruteDum can work with aany Linux distros if they have Python 3. Features of BruteDum SSH, FTP, Telnet, PostgreSQL, RDP, VNC with Hydra (recommended) SSH, FTP, Telnet, PostgreSQL, RDP, VNC...
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