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  1. M

    WordPress HMS Testimonials 2.0.10 XSS / CSRF

    how can i search for it in shodan ,i want to try it
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    Red Team Toolkit

    This is a useful list of tools and equipment that will be useful when performing a pentest. Most tools have links to a store and a workaround. The list is divided into categories, where you will find everything used in the Red Team specialists' arsenal (from Wi-Fi hacking tools to drones and...
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    AngryOxide | 802.11 Attack Tool

    The overall goal of this tool is to provide a single-interface survey capability with advanced automated attacks that result in valid hashlines you can crack with Hashcat.
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    Malware Analysis Tool

    Hi, I hope this will help you 📌 HashCalc 📌 UPX 📌 PE Studio 📌 Trid 📌 Exeinfo PE 📌 DETECT-IT-EASY...
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    Social Engineering [Hitting Big brands]

    wow bro, nice! how many times do you think it works to do it?
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    Offensive Security Tool: SessionProbe

    SessionProbe, is a multi-threaded tool designed for penetration testing and bug bounty hunting. It evaluates user privileges in web applications by taking a session token and checking access across a list of URLs, highlighting potential authorization issues.
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    Botnet Tutorial: How to make your own botnet ★

    very informative, I find it good that you give an introduction to the subject of basic concepts, thanks for the information bro
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    Bug Bounty Tips | Where to hunt for XXE vulnerabilities?

    I'm sharing this information with you, I found it surfing the internet and its very helpful... XXE -> XML External Entity + When it comes to identifying XXE issues, you'll find these vulnerabilities almost everywhere. Here's a list of the top 5 features and areas you should look for when...
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    Preferred language for hacking?

    I know that lately with artificial intelligence it may not even be necessary to know how to program at an intermediate level, you only need a basic knowledge, since the rest is done by the AI, but based on what you know, what language or languages do you think is essential to start with hacking...
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    Content Spoofing

    great content, thanks for talking about this topic. The statistics that 86% of the websites surveyed have at least one serious hole that hackers could exploit is interesting. Content spoofing has become a very common attack lately, now that you mention that it has been detected on more than half...
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    Cardable Site + Method

    it's only for uk right? btw, the price is not bad.
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    [FOR BEGINNERS] How to crack any account with OpenBullet

    thanks bro, I have not used OpenBullet, it was all theoretical, now I can understand it a little better, thanks for sharing.
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    Using Sherlock to Collect OSINT on Usernames

    don't forget to put .txt to the requirements file so you don't get errors in the installation. Otherwise the tool works fine, it's very interesting for osint, thank you very much dude, great!
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    How to use Google as a proxy !

    I recommend using firefox with its FoxyProxy extension which allows you to route your web traffic through configurable proxy servers, which can be useful for maintaining your privacy, accessing geographically restricted content or improving your online security. I've been using it and it works...
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    FOFA - Cyberspace mapping

    FOFA is a cyberspace mapping tool that allows users to search for data about web servers and applications. The tool uses a variety of methods to collect information, including port scans, DNS lookups and web content analysis. Additional details: The tool is available in two versions: a free...
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    TcpView: Network Connection Monitoring Tool

    TcpView: Network Connection Monitoring Tool TcpView is a free and open-source tool that allows you to see all active network connections on your system. It is a powerful tool that can be used to diagnose network problems, monitor network traffic, and detect malware. How does TcpView work...
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    Top 100 Hacking Security Ebooks

    Hacking Security Ebooks Top 100 Hacking & Security E-Books (Free Download) Link: +check this repository, it has a list of top 100 hacking books, all of them are free, you can download them, it's great!
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    Botnet Info

    Look what I found, it's good to keep it in mind... Botnet Info 🤖 A botnet is a number of Internet-connected devices, each of which is running one or more bots. Botnets can be used to perform Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker to access the...
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    C++ For HackerZ

    Great! C++ is a very good base program, I think that if you know C++, practically you already know C# and java, as they're very similar, it's a good choice of language and more if you are starting, I'll see the info, thanks!
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    Guide to Physical Penetration Testing

    oh man, that's a great info, it would be great if you uploaded a guide on Cloud Security Testing as well. thanks for sharing!
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