Search results

  1. B

    Completed escrow request with Xardy bank transfer

    yes thank you boss i got money in my bank very well done work nice job bro vouch for you1
  2. B

    Completed escrow request with Xardy bank transfer

    i am still waiting for confirmation
  3. B

    Completed escrow request with Xardy bank transfer

    hello escrow admin please confirm my payment i sent 700$ escrow perfect money account Batch # 450***841 i am waiting thanks
  4. B

    Completed Deal with Prince... [ 3.05 BITCOIN sent ]

    confirm!!! mtcn received:x confirmed status on tomorrow i will pick up the money... cheers... goo job :X :fum:
  5. B

    Completed Deal with Prince... [ 3.05 BITCOIN sent ]

    My last deal was completed... Now i trust CrackingForums members :d : i SENT 3.05 bitcoin to escrow account.... Proof: I want to deal with Prince... I WANT TO...
  6. B

    Completed Deal with Prince 690$

    now i saw bro.. received... cofnfirm that :D thank you... can we deal again ?:D
  7. B

    Completed Deal with Prince 690$

    690$ PM sent i want to receive 6000$ Payza please confirm thank you :D
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