How to cash out PayPal transfers?
1. Purchase a hacked account from with a transaction history, verified or not (if not verify yourself). If you’re taking this step you will need scans and fullz on the person which there are vendors that can supply this information. You will 100% need a phone with sim or with a network, or a pay by you go phone as long as you can receive calls. GVA will not work.
2. Purchase a stealth account from , they come fully verified and the best thing is you can supply your own drop address, fullz and whatever and they will create the account to your standards, and they come with no transaction history. These are best IMO but will take time to build a history but once you do they are amazing. They will supply a GVA account linked to your account, they do it a certain way.
3. Create a completely new account and add your drop bank account (that PayPal supports) and get a verified credit card through . These you can start right away and just hit your withdraw limit of $500 monthly, if you decide to verify it more you will need more information accurate pertaining to your drop bank account and VCC.
4. Using your PERSONAL/OWN/Friends verified PayPal account, just transfer the money to your/their bank or request a check. Keep the limit below 10K lifetime or if you continue going over keep doing transfers to keep your account away from collections and limited account and eventually pay everything back when you get a decent job and want your credit clear. YOU WILL NOT GO TO JAIL, only your credit will be affected and owed IF YOUR/THEIR SSN is attached. Otherwise you will just have a limited account and you’ll have to create a new one.
5. The Controversial Method: PayPal Prepaid MasterCard, apply for one here; . $900 daily withdrawal limit, $4999 daily spend limit. Instant transfer from PayPal account to debit card.
a. Starting from scratch; apply for the debit card with the website listed at method 5, make sure it is your drop address (you apply for as many cards to one address) the only difference is activating the card you will need a separate SSN that matches the name for each, does not need to match the address but SSN yes it needs to. With this card and a fullz you can activate and have your own verified PayPal account, the card itself acts as a debit and bank account which can be accessed here; . Which is self-explanatory how to make yourself verified, wait for deposits to go in bank confirm, boom verified and you can just add your SSN that you used to activate your PayPal Mastercard boom. Need a verified credit card? Boom.
b. Requesting a PayPal pre-paid MasterCard via account. You will need to again from method 1, do a complete ATO (Account Take Over) the main key if you need a phone that can make calls and has a sim or is pre-paid with a network signal for example not GVA. You will then need to get a VCC through with your drop address. Requesting a PayPal MasterCard is easy you just need an address linked with your CC, make sure the name is under the account holder of PayPal and the address can be your drop address and your card can be requested there.
c. Requesting a PayPal pre-paid MasterCard via , this is the gold mine because you can supply this professional company with your fullz name and your drop address and they will make everything accordingly with a VBA (Virtual Bank Account) and VCC (Verified Credit Card, address verified to be exact.) WITH YOUR INFORMATION THAT YOU SUPPLY. Of course you don’t want to give them the SSN of the fullz but everything else should be fine, specifically first and last name and birthday of person and then your drop address.
How to get a transaction history?
Clear net warning;
Legal yet, gold mine site. You can get literally anything in life if you use the dark net and this specific site on the deep web. One thing I am going to warn you is be legit on this website you will go farther and everything will be easier. Once you head to this website and register you will then head to Marketplace -> Member Auctions ( ) this is the place where you will bid and win auctions for reselling anything they have to offer but of course for a cheaper or efficient price. Please keep in mind this can be fast and slow at the same time, just depends how much money and time you’re putting in.
End Notes: Keep in mind this can all be general information that you may know or not know but it’s here for educational purposes to trigger that part of your brain that lights the light bulb up, these are personal methods that I have used. And to be honest the most successful is the PayPal MasterCard. I’m not going to tell you how much you’re able to cash out as that number depends on how much of an asshole PayPal is to catch on everything, and seemingly they are slow. I’ve personally cashed out 15k+ from the PayPal MasterCard within 2 weeks but hit a limit phase.
--------------------------------------------------Part Two-----------------------------------------------------
How to perform PayPal Transfers?
What do I need?
|Breaking down our required items|
(FirstName|LastName|CCNumber|CVV2|EXP|ADDRESS|ZIP|CITY|STATE|PHONE) -> Ideal format. Make sure it’s not linked to a PayPal account (PayPal Checker, $0.50/card) make sure the card is AVS (Address Verification System), you always see others selling non-avs but in this case, your card needs to be AVS. Make sure it’s valid. Business and Corporate cards are highly recommended, same with elders.
- Socks5
Best one is honestly from, it’s about $25-40 a month, you want to get the package that has 250+ countries or there is an unlimited one as well, either or they will have the packages you need. Socks5 is to make sure we connect to the city, state of our victim’s ccv so we can act as if they are making the purchase.
- Firefox
Simple browser, google it. Make sure you go to settings and clear your history every time you use a CCV, whether it went through or didn’t go through you always need a clean slate. Google Chrome and IE will fail you will get an error, stick to Firefox.
- PayPal Account
Self-explanatory you will need a cash out account, I have a separate guide that shows you what different methods of cashing out and how to get a certain account, should be in my store.
Every card will not go through, not matter every step you take in making sure it is linked to PayPal, has funds, AVS verified etc. PayPal is one of the trickiest companies in the industry because there is so much fraud, but they’re still stupid.
|How to complete the transfer w/PayPal|
Login to your PayPal account where you want your funds received, go to “Merchant Services” and click on “Create payment buttons for your website” then click “Create Button” next will be the simple part, customize everything to your creativity. The two main buttons we want to use are “Buy Now” and “Donations” which everyone one you choose, make the donation organization name legit and the item legit as well. All you need to do on this page is choose a button time, fill in item name or donation name, price, and merchant account ID’s select “Use my primary email address” and create button. After you create your button it will bring you a page where it says “Add your button code to your webpage” you’re not going to add anything instead you’re going to scroll down where there are two codes “Website and Email” select email and paste that link into your URL and start carding/completing the transfer entering in ccv details. How that’s it, transfer complete, this can be done with any account. The price you put will be dependent on how much you want each transfer to come through as, stay below 500 even if you know your card limit.
|How to complete the transfer w/PayHip|
Create an account via add your PayPal email to your Payhip account, add an ebook and upload a document as your eBook, set the price to how much ever you want to card per card, PayHip does take a percentage so keep in mind, I normally card $250/transaction so my eBook is at $270 because of fees etc. Hop on your socks5 and connect to the city of where your ccv is and grab the link to your eBook and start carding.
1. Purchase a hacked account from with a transaction history, verified or not (if not verify yourself). If you’re taking this step you will need scans and fullz on the person which there are vendors that can supply this information. You will 100% need a phone with sim or with a network, or a pay by you go phone as long as you can receive calls. GVA will not work.
2. Purchase a stealth account from , they come fully verified and the best thing is you can supply your own drop address, fullz and whatever and they will create the account to your standards, and they come with no transaction history. These are best IMO but will take time to build a history but once you do they are amazing. They will supply a GVA account linked to your account, they do it a certain way.
3. Create a completely new account and add your drop bank account (that PayPal supports) and get a verified credit card through . These you can start right away and just hit your withdraw limit of $500 monthly, if you decide to verify it more you will need more information accurate pertaining to your drop bank account and VCC.
4. Using your PERSONAL/OWN/Friends verified PayPal account, just transfer the money to your/their bank or request a check. Keep the limit below 10K lifetime or if you continue going over keep doing transfers to keep your account away from collections and limited account and eventually pay everything back when you get a decent job and want your credit clear. YOU WILL NOT GO TO JAIL, only your credit will be affected and owed IF YOUR/THEIR SSN is attached. Otherwise you will just have a limited account and you’ll have to create a new one.
5. The Controversial Method: PayPal Prepaid MasterCard, apply for one here; . $900 daily withdrawal limit, $4999 daily spend limit. Instant transfer from PayPal account to debit card.
a. Starting from scratch; apply for the debit card with the website listed at method 5, make sure it is your drop address (you apply for as many cards to one address) the only difference is activating the card you will need a separate SSN that matches the name for each, does not need to match the address but SSN yes it needs to. With this card and a fullz you can activate and have your own verified PayPal account, the card itself acts as a debit and bank account which can be accessed here; . Which is self-explanatory how to make yourself verified, wait for deposits to go in bank confirm, boom verified and you can just add your SSN that you used to activate your PayPal Mastercard boom. Need a verified credit card? Boom.
b. Requesting a PayPal pre-paid MasterCard via account. You will need to again from method 1, do a complete ATO (Account Take Over) the main key if you need a phone that can make calls and has a sim or is pre-paid with a network signal for example not GVA. You will then need to get a VCC through with your drop address. Requesting a PayPal MasterCard is easy you just need an address linked with your CC, make sure the name is under the account holder of PayPal and the address can be your drop address and your card can be requested there.
c. Requesting a PayPal pre-paid MasterCard via , this is the gold mine because you can supply this professional company with your fullz name and your drop address and they will make everything accordingly with a VBA (Virtual Bank Account) and VCC (Verified Credit Card, address verified to be exact.) WITH YOUR INFORMATION THAT YOU SUPPLY. Of course you don’t want to give them the SSN of the fullz but everything else should be fine, specifically first and last name and birthday of person and then your drop address.
How to get a transaction history?
Clear net warning;
Legal yet, gold mine site. You can get literally anything in life if you use the dark net and this specific site on the deep web. One thing I am going to warn you is be legit on this website you will go farther and everything will be easier. Once you head to this website and register you will then head to Marketplace -> Member Auctions ( ) this is the place where you will bid and win auctions for reselling anything they have to offer but of course for a cheaper or efficient price. Please keep in mind this can be fast and slow at the same time, just depends how much money and time you’re putting in.
End Notes: Keep in mind this can all be general information that you may know or not know but it’s here for educational purposes to trigger that part of your brain that lights the light bulb up, these are personal methods that I have used. And to be honest the most successful is the PayPal MasterCard. I’m not going to tell you how much you’re able to cash out as that number depends on how much of an asshole PayPal is to catch on everything, and seemingly they are slow. I’ve personally cashed out 15k+ from the PayPal MasterCard within 2 weeks but hit a limit phase.
--------------------------------------------------Part Two-----------------------------------------------------
How to perform PayPal Transfers?
What do I need?
|Breaking down our required items|
(FirstName|LastName|CCNumber|CVV2|EXP|ADDRESS|ZIP|CITY|STATE|PHONE) -> Ideal format. Make sure it’s not linked to a PayPal account (PayPal Checker, $0.50/card) make sure the card is AVS (Address Verification System), you always see others selling non-avs but in this case, your card needs to be AVS. Make sure it’s valid. Business and Corporate cards are highly recommended, same with elders.
- Socks5
Best one is honestly from, it’s about $25-40 a month, you want to get the package that has 250+ countries or there is an unlimited one as well, either or they will have the packages you need. Socks5 is to make sure we connect to the city, state of our victim’s ccv so we can act as if they are making the purchase.
- Firefox
Simple browser, google it. Make sure you go to settings and clear your history every time you use a CCV, whether it went through or didn’t go through you always need a clean slate. Google Chrome and IE will fail you will get an error, stick to Firefox.
- PayPal Account
Self-explanatory you will need a cash out account, I have a separate guide that shows you what different methods of cashing out and how to get a certain account, should be in my store.
Every card will not go through, not matter every step you take in making sure it is linked to PayPal, has funds, AVS verified etc. PayPal is one of the trickiest companies in the industry because there is so much fraud, but they’re still stupid.
|How to complete the transfer w/PayPal|
Login to your PayPal account where you want your funds received, go to “Merchant Services” and click on “Create payment buttons for your website” then click “Create Button” next will be the simple part, customize everything to your creativity. The two main buttons we want to use are “Buy Now” and “Donations” which everyone one you choose, make the donation organization name legit and the item legit as well. All you need to do on this page is choose a button time, fill in item name or donation name, price, and merchant account ID’s select “Use my primary email address” and create button. After you create your button it will bring you a page where it says “Add your button code to your webpage” you’re not going to add anything instead you’re going to scroll down where there are two codes “Website and Email” select email and paste that link into your URL and start carding/completing the transfer entering in ccv details. How that’s it, transfer complete, this can be done with any account. The price you put will be dependent on how much you want each transfer to come through as, stay below 500 even if you know your card limit.
|How to complete the transfer w/PayHip|
Create an account via add your PayPal email to your Payhip account, add an ebook and upload a document as your eBook, set the price to how much ever you want to card per card, PayHip does take a percentage so keep in mind, I normally card $250/transaction so my eBook is at $270 because of fees etc. Hop on your socks5 and connect to the city of where your ccv is and grab the link to your eBook and start carding.