Anonymous mailbox in the TOR network Share by Darkteam


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 13 days
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Completely anonymous mailbox - a useful thing, and, of course, such a series exists. But you know, the demand here is very specific: not only hackers, spies, political dissidents and informers want to send letters and not to leave traces, but spammers, extortionists, herdsmen and other amateurs of automation of all the territories. This imposes a lot of restrictions.

The most popular postal worker who works through Tor is called Sigaint

Its logo is an eye with threatening bloody drops under it. "Blood from the eyes" is in this case a very precise metaphor. The interface is straight out of the blue, vyrviglaznaya palette, advertising, raspihannaya here and there, angry captcha (it must be entered and at login, and when sending a letter), the limit on the size of the box is 50 MB, problems with the Russian encoding when sending letters ... In short, user experience about the level of medieval torture.
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