Basic server types


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1 yrs. 9 mth. 30 days
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Hi, here is some info about basic server types...

1. Web Server
  • Hosts and serves web pages and web applications to clients.
  • Handles HTTP requests from web browsers and delivers HTML content.
  • Supports various technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, or Node,js
  • Provides security measures like SSL certificates for encrypted communication.
2. Database Server
  • Manages and stores structured data, enabling efficlent data retrieval and manipulation.
  • Supports query languages like SQL for managing and retrieving data.
  • Provides features such as data integrity, transaction management, and access control.
  • Offers scalabity options to handie large amounts of data and concurrent connections.
3. File Server
  • Centraized storage and management of files for client devices on a network.
  • Allows clients to access shared files and folders over a network connection.
  • Implements access controls to restrict file permissions and maintain security.
  • Supports features like flie locking, versioning and backup to ensure data integrity.
4. Web Proxy Server
  • Acts as an intermediary between client devices and web servers.
  • Caches frequently requested web content, improving performance and reducing band width usage.
  • Provides anonymity and security by masking client iP addresses and fitering web traffic.
  • Controls access to specific websites, enforcing content fittering or firewall rules.
5. eMail Server
  • Facilitates the sending, receiving, and storage of email messages.
  • Uses protocols like SMTP, POP3, or IMAP to handle email transfers.
  • Stores emails in user mailboxes and allows access through emal clents or web interfaces.I
  • Implements spam filtering, virus scanning, and authentication mechanisms for email security.
6. DNS Server
  • Translates domain names (e.g.,
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    ) into IP addresses (e.g.,
  • Resolves queries from clents, directing them to the appropriate IP address.
  • Implements caching to improve query response times and reduce network traffic.
  • Supports zone transters between DNS servers to synchronize and distribute domain records.
7. FTP Server
  • Enables file transfer between a client and a server using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
  • Provides user authentication and access control for secure file transfers.
  • Supports uploading. downloading, and managing files and directories.
  • Can be used for public file distribution or as a private file repository.
8. DHCP Server
  • Dynamically assigns IP addresses and network configuration parameters to client devices.
  • Dynamicaly assigns iP addresses and network configuration parameters to client devices.
  • Supports uploading, downloading. and managing files and directories.
  • Can be used for public file distribution or as a private file repository.
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