Best way to LOGIN into Amazon Accounts (E-Mail Access Only)


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 26 days
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First of all, i'm sharing this because i just discovered it (This means it's not mine) and i thought this could be very helpful for those who are buying or trying to login into Amazon Accounts and they get their accounts blocked.

1. You need to have E-mail access to the account

2. Always make sure, you are using fresh/live/not blacklisted SOCKS5.

3. To get access on email, use MOZILA THUNDERBIRD -
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4. Step 1 -
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Step 2-
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5. To make a password reset, go to do it from login page
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6. Delete password reset email from inbox, and do not change email password, otherwise owner will catch you

I remember you this is not from my property, all credits to the autor.
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