"BitcoinBuster" or Wallet Clipboard Rewrite by Becks


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10 yrs. 3 mth. 15 days
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It's not really worth a thread but I got a bunch of messages where I was asked if I could share it so fuck it here it is.

It's pretty simple, that's why I don't know why people ask for more than 1$ for it (because you could code it in like 5 min.).
My tool, after you built it, scans the clipboard for a wallet, where most of them are stored before sending coins from A to B. If a wallet is found, it replaces it with the one from the tool. You can enter your wallet in the builder.
Both, builder and stub, are coded in pure C++ and they only use the winapi. When you want to spread it use the autostart of your crypter, I haven't included one.

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