Nuclear stealth mechanisms, flooder and support Targeting multirezolving - if a target for an attack showed a domain name, a separate thread group, each IP address in the range of the system (rezolving repeats itself every 15 minutes) to attack
Supported types of attacks:
- Icmp
- Syn
- Http
- Data
- Dns
How to use?
A. Open www / config.php set for themselves.
Second Pour the contents of the www to your host.
Third The action script (on db.txt)
4th We try the admin panel .. / Index.php go when logged perform step 5
5th Builder.exe open in "Server" enter the path to the file whose name ends stat.php (Example ) bag "Build"
6th We have to load a file whose name _.exe it on my computer, I will have before it. Advise palitsya kriptanut for any antivirus program
(Crypted know how people are not on the forum () for free, search). Loading is also not free.
Refresh rate - the time (in minutes) over which the bots to the gate of the command (the more - the less load on the server) is obraschatsya
Command syntax:
DDoS attack:
Flood tip_ataki target
Supported types of attacks:
- Icmp
- Syn
- Http
- Data
can be specified as targets IP address or domain name, you can also multiple targets by a comma;
If you syn the type of attack, udp, or select data, and then after the goal, you can optionally the port number for the attack (or more ports on the point), if it is not specified, each packet is sent to a random sent port;
When you select the type of attack http, then after the goal, you can optionally a script that GET request should be sent (for example: flood http host.com index.php) if it is not specified, then the request are sent to /
Stop DDoS attack:
Flood of options:
Flooding packet sizes in bytes, and the time between sending packets in milliseconds. What time is less, and the size is, the stronger the attack, but breathe the likelihood that the bots due to the depletion of the traffic limit
I found this on another site :iagree: and i m just sharing it here ,