[#1] - Welcome.
Hello there, im glad that u are reading this tutorial about botnets, I hope you enjoy my tutorial (My first one).
If u see any gramma Fails, Please let me know (My first language isnt English)
[#2] - What is a botnet.
In this section i will try to expain what a botnet is, And what u can do with it.
- What is a botnet.
A botnet is a network of Infected computers, It also can be Phones, iPads , And other mobile devices,
- How big are botnets
Botnets Can be very small, like 100 bots, But it also can be VERY big, then we are talking about +20K (Over a Mill can be possible to)
- What can i do with a botnet
There are a lot of things u can do with a botnet, Bellow u will see a list + explanation
identity theft (Carding): Im not going to explain this. (Saw it isnt allowed here)
Spamming: Sending Random emails to Lots of Emails at once (Can get u some big money)
DDOS: Most people use there botnet for DDOS, Will explain DDOS later.
Account Stealing: Something like Carding (Just normal accounts like emails and game accounts)
[#3] - What is DDOS and DOS.
DDOS: DDOS means Distributed denial of service, With this type of attack a Botnet will attack one target at once (Power depends on the Infected Devices)
DOS: DOS means Denial of service with this type of attack only one device will attack a target.
[#4] - How to make a botnet.
A botnet isnt hard to make, U just need the resources, That can be a VPS/Dedicated server , and Ofcourse a C&C (Control and Command System)
Download links will be at the end of this tutorial.
Now im going to explain you very fast how to setup your own botnet (Umbra loader)
#1) First u need to find a VPS/Dedicated server where you can host your botnet (I recommend you Russian, Romania or German Hosting (For small botnets a US vps will work also)
You can get a cheap VPS bellow here.
#2) If u buy a vps with CentOS, Then u need to install a Apache server, and mysql Serve
U can do that by enter the follow commands in your CentOS Vps.
yum install httpd
yum install mysqld (Link)
yum install php (Link)
#3) After installed these things, Go to /var/www/html/ And create a folder (Do it with ftp)
Upload Umbra in that folder, then go to /YourCreatedFolder/Panel/inc/config.php and edit this to your settings.
After edting , Go to your browser, And then type in , And the panel will be installed.
Now u can acces your Panel with the following link: ttp://YourIpOrDomain/YourCreatedFolder/Panel/
Now u can build your Virus.exe, Go to the umbra folder (In your own pc) And open prjBuilder.exe
Now enter all your settings in here, And spread! (First crypt it ofc)
[#5] - Ok what now?.
Now you have your Herder panel online, And now u want to ddos right?, U can search on google for G-bot 1.7 Cracked or Dirtjumper.
Install will be the same as Umbra.
[#6] - Downloads.
[#7] - The End.
Thanks for reading my first tutorial on hackforums.net
Have a good day.
Hello there, im glad that u are reading this tutorial about botnets, I hope you enjoy my tutorial (My first one).
If u see any gramma Fails, Please let me know (My first language isnt English)
[#2] - What is a botnet.
In this section i will try to expain what a botnet is, And what u can do with it.
- What is a botnet.
A botnet is a network of Infected computers, It also can be Phones, iPads , And other mobile devices,
- How big are botnets
Botnets Can be very small, like 100 bots, But it also can be VERY big, then we are talking about +20K (Over a Mill can be possible to)
- What can i do with a botnet
There are a lot of things u can do with a botnet, Bellow u will see a list + explanation
identity theft (Carding): Im not going to explain this. (Saw it isnt allowed here)
Spamming: Sending Random emails to Lots of Emails at once (Can get u some big money)
DDOS: Most people use there botnet for DDOS, Will explain DDOS later.
Account Stealing: Something like Carding (Just normal accounts like emails and game accounts)
[#3] - What is DDOS and DOS.
DDOS: DDOS means Distributed denial of service, With this type of attack a Botnet will attack one target at once (Power depends on the Infected Devices)
DOS: DOS means Denial of service with this type of attack only one device will attack a target.
[#4] - How to make a botnet.
A botnet isnt hard to make, U just need the resources, That can be a VPS/Dedicated server , and Ofcourse a C&C (Control and Command System)
Download links will be at the end of this tutorial.
Now im going to explain you very fast how to setup your own botnet (Umbra loader)
#1) First u need to find a VPS/Dedicated server where you can host your botnet (I recommend you Russian, Romania or German Hosting (For small botnets a US vps will work also)
You can get a cheap VPS bellow here.
#2) If u buy a vps with CentOS, Then u need to install a Apache server, and mysql Serve
U can do that by enter the follow commands in your CentOS Vps.
yum install httpd
yum install mysqld (Link)
yum install php (Link)
#3) After installed these things, Go to /var/www/html/ And create a folder (Do it with ftp)
Upload Umbra in that folder, then go to /YourCreatedFolder/Panel/inc/config.php and edit this to your settings.
After edting , Go to your browser, And then type in , And the panel will be installed.
Now u can acces your Panel with the following link: ttp://YourIpOrDomain/YourCreatedFolder/Panel/
Now u can build your Virus.exe, Go to the umbra folder (In your own pc) And open prjBuilder.exe
Now enter all your settings in here, And spread! (First crypt it ofc)
[#5] - Ok what now?.
Now you have your Herder panel online, And now u want to ddos right?, U can search on google for G-bot 1.7 Cracked or Dirtjumper.
Install will be the same as Umbra.
[#6] - Downloads.
[#7] - The End.
Thanks for reading my first tutorial on hackforums.net
Have a good day.