Sent 9.075BTC for a deal with M33 Thanks for confirming
U User666 Well-known member Member Joined 9 yrs. 5 mth. Messages 897 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ October 11 - 12:23 #1 Sent 9.075BTC for a deal with M33 Thanks for confirming
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,857 Wallet 8,991$ October 11 - 5:18 #2 Payment not confirmed. Reason: DOUBLE POST! Original deal is here: Last edited: April 8 - 8:12
Payment not confirmed. Reason: DOUBLE POST! Original deal is here: