Bump Absorber 2.1.1
<a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="mycode_url">Bump Absorber</a> inhibits thread bumps (by a new post) other than by the original poster (OP) after a stipulated bump interval (in hours) has elapsed since the last bump.<br />
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Installation is as usual: extract files, recursively copy files in <code class="inline-code">root</code> into your board's root directory, then install+activate via the ACP's Plugins page.<br />
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Note: requires patches to core files which are automatically applied on installation, and automatically reverted on uninstallation.<br />
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This plugin was written for a fee for @andrewjs18, who requested that it then be open sourced. <a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="mycode_url">OP Can Close Thread</a> was then split out of it.
<a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="mycode_url">Bump Absorber</a> inhibits thread bumps (by a new post) other than by the original poster (OP) after a stipulated bump interval (in hours) has elapsed since the last bump.<br />
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Installation is as usual: extract files, recursively copy files in <code class="inline-code">root</code> into your board's root directory, then install+activate via the ACP's Plugins page.<br />
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Note: requires patches to core files which are automatically applied on installation, and automatically reverted on uninstallation.<br />
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This plugin was written for a fee for @andrewjs18, who requested that it then be open sourced. <a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="mycode_url">OP Can Close Thread</a> was then split out of it.