C++ Ray-Tracer.


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smallpt is a global illumination renderer. It is 99 lines of C++, is open source, and renders the above scene using unbiased Monte Carlo path tracing.

Features :

- Global illumination via unbiased Monte Carlo path tracing
- 99 lines of 72-column (or less) open source C++ code
- Multi-threading using OpenMP
- Soft shadows from diffuse luminaire
- Specular, Diffuse, and Glass BRDFs
- Antialiasing via super-sampling with importance-sampled tent distribution, and 2x2 subpixels
- Ray-sphere intersection
- Modified Cornell box scene description
- Cosine importance sampling of the hemisphere for diffuse reflection
- Russian roulette for path termination
- Russian roulette and splitting for selecting reflection and/or refraction for glass BRDF
- With minor changes compiles to a 4 KB binary (less than 4096 bytes)


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