Computer Setup - You need to setup proper computer before can use for carding.
Anonymous Connection :
Get VPN, for example mullvad vpn, make sure dns leak is fixed socks5 – to represent your connection from CC owner location -
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - *not revealed yet
Computer Setting :
change your hardisk serial *tested on win 7, must right click icon, run as Administrator. need to restart pc after change
Change mac address :
Change computer ID (for win 7) click start -> right click computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Computer Name -> change button -> type in the column “computer name “to give new computer ID name. and restart computer
Setting DNS, for windows 7, Control Panel-- >Network and Internet --- >Network and Sharing Center --- >Change adapter setting --- >if you are connected with Lan Cable.. right click Local Area Connection Properties -- > Internet Protocol TCP/IP Version 4 --- >Obtain IP address Automatically, and DNS use the following DNS Server addresses
get ip from
IF u are on wifi.. right click wireless connection.. same as above TCP/IP version 4 and put the DNS
*make sure you do this for VPN connection too. just to be safe
Browser setting :
Use Mozilla browser
install this add-on :
Filemind Quick Fix - an application to clear meta tags/private information/gps coordinate, use this to clear any picture data before upload on internet otherwise your anonymity could be compromised -
use CCleaner to clean all ur browsing history and trace
Clear flash cookie, browser cookie, and all browsing history using CCleaner
Use another program is like steganos privacy suite.. which u can download for free over torrent
Clear all the trace and unnecessary files when needed
Computer backup
After you installed everything, do not connect to internet yet.. clear everything and perform a system image backup. Get a portable usb hardisk or another internal drive in your computer
For win 7, click start -> getting started -> backup your files
Choose create a system image
It will ask u to save the system image file into ur portable usb
Click next to save.. and after it is done.. it will ask u to burn a repair image disc.. insert a blank disc and burn the repair disc
So everytime your computer stops working/infected, you suspect slow..something wrong or whatever, u just need to insert the cd and boot from will brings u to the system recovery image.. and make sure you already connected with the portable hardisk. Then it will restore everything, then you will get back to your pc as normal status (pls note all your previous modified,updated file/data will be gone if u didnt backup) before attempt to reinstall the system image. it is recommended wipe your hardisk first burn the tools on cd..and boot from it. after done..only then use the windows recovery image
How to access deepweb
You need a tor browser -
Before connect to deepweb always remember connect to VPN first. Socks5 is not necessary only use it during carding
Another option is use live cd to access the deepweb - but not sure how vpn works if u r using tails
Pls remember 99% of the vendor on deepweb is scammer. Never buy something without using escrow. But there are also cases escrow is scam too, so be careful which escrow website you are using
If it is too good to be true, then probably is.
Few example of deepweb address
evo forum -
evo marketplace -
Understanding CVV The most common format you will see for credit/debit card details are the following :
Example :
4077143100698057 | 06/21 | 135 | Danielle Thienel / Danielle Thienel | 1722 Rosewood Ave. | Nashville | TN | 37212 | United States | 615-300-0467 | N/A | N/A | E-mail: [email protected] | NOT CHECKED
PAN (primary account number) : 4077143100698057 Expiry Date : 06/21 3 digit security code CVV : 135 Name appear on card : Danielle Thienel Biiling address : 1722 Rosewood Ave, Nashville, TN Postcode : 37212 Country : United States Phone number : 615-300-0467
Zip Code Search
Further Info About CC owner/Credit Report(CR)/Background Report(BR)
SSN = and
MMN = or Use Facebook (search for account using email address)
california state only -
Credit Reports
go to first.. get the required details
then you will be able to get thru questionaire at
*if you still couldnt find.. maybe its easier buy cc + fullz or google it
How to Get Anonymous Telephone Number (Various Method) - *note - there are some method which able to receive CC sms verification is not revealed yet.
1. Create some free email like gmail or yahoo.
2. Go to
3. Apply for 30 days trial. It not requires CC
4. Go to emailbox and use link to activate account.
In your account you see phone number. You can use this or you can add another number.
When you add number you need to setup default extension for that number, to be able to receive sms. Anyway with this service you can receive sms, receive automated calls (just setup voicemail) and also you can redirect calls. So when they call to your number in USA your phone in Russia rings wink
Don’t go to this site with tor, you need socks or vpn.
If you not receive sms, then try add another number wink
Ahh anyway its fucking easy to find out how this thing works wink Good luck wink
How to obtain USA number
Requirements :
iOs device/iPhone
- reset everything to delete all the data
- create a new email
- create a new apple id, choose payment none, no need enter credit card details
- use new apple id to sign in iOS device
- download Textfree app and sign up, you will get a free USA/UK number. if cannot, get free USA number by sign up at first.. then login the app
- download Burner App on ios.. install the app, it will ask u to enter existing USA number. enter it from TextFree. and it will give u new number
- works on ebay sms verification, gmail
another method : card Ringcentral account. they will give voip setting, either you need to setup physical voip phone or mobile voip client on ios. make sure voip connect to vpn to stay anonymous
UK Landline phone numbers -
Check the Card Validity
create owner new email and try sign up the Netflix..if it works that means the card is valid. Make sure before you visit Netflix you have changed mac address, changed hardisk serial number, changed computer ID, clear browser, and use vpn + vip socks (socks closest to drop address) + RDP (optional)
Before Purchase - Account Take Over (ATO)
find out CC bank & Hotline
go to above websites and enter first 6 digit of PAN and search, it will tell you which bank provider. Then you go to google and search the bank website.. and look for its hotline number. Example
capital one : 1-800-955-7070 (require SSN)
wells fargo : 1-800-642-4720 (require SSN)
FIA card services : 1-800-655-1491
chase bank : 1-800-432-3117
chase bank debit : 1-800-935-9935
greendot : 1-866-795-7597 -- press 1 and enter zip code
branch banking and trust company : 2, then enter zip code
Call forwarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to bank hotline. Links are below.
Free Call Forwarding
Call the Bank
change male/female voice.. impersonate cc owner number call the bank hotline. provide all the verification ..then you can request reset the VBV password. The same method also can be use to add new contact number and shipping address
Bank will ask personal details for verification, so get ready your SSN, MMN, DOB, driving license number, CR and BR. (same steps for reset VBV password)
inform the agent, you want to add additional phone number (ur burner number).. done.
wait 3 - 5 days
call again.. perform verification again done. inform want to add new address (u give fake drop address!) done..
wait 3 - 5 days
Start carding the website Make sure before you visit mechant website you have changed mac address, changed hardisk serial number, changed computer ID, clear browser, and use vpn + vip socks (socks closest to drop address) + CHANGED SCREEN RESOLUTION + RDP (optional)
when u r at shipping info..enter the same address which u gave the bank. merchant will call (ur burner number)for confirmation..just cooperate and give out cc info/reconfirm shipping address
check the tracking frequently, during delivery day.. call the courier asked to delivery another address due to at work or something etc. this is to prevent merchant blacklist your real drop address. they will blacklist the fake drop address after a while..even u use fresh cc they wont deliver no matter how
Some merchant will ask you email them the following : Credit/Debit card scans Driver license scans so be prepared!
Anonymous Connection :
Get VPN, for example mullvad vpn, make sure dns leak is fixed socks5 – to represent your connection from CC owner location -
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - *not revealed yet
Computer Setting :
change your hardisk serial *tested on win 7, must right click icon, run as Administrator. need to restart pc after change
Change mac address :
Change computer ID (for win 7) click start -> right click computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Computer Name -> change button -> type in the column “computer name “to give new computer ID name. and restart computer
Setting DNS, for windows 7, Control Panel-- >Network and Internet --- >Network and Sharing Center --- >Change adapter setting --- >if you are connected with Lan Cable.. right click Local Area Connection Properties -- > Internet Protocol TCP/IP Version 4 --- >Obtain IP address Automatically, and DNS use the following DNS Server addresses
get ip from
IF u are on wifi.. right click wireless connection.. same as above TCP/IP version 4 and put the DNS
*make sure you do this for VPN connection too. just to be safe
Browser setting :
Use Mozilla browser
install this add-on :
Filemind Quick Fix - an application to clear meta tags/private information/gps coordinate, use this to clear any picture data before upload on internet otherwise your anonymity could be compromised -
use CCleaner to clean all ur browsing history and trace
Clear flash cookie, browser cookie, and all browsing history using CCleaner
Use another program is like steganos privacy suite.. which u can download for free over torrent
Clear all the trace and unnecessary files when needed
Computer backup
After you installed everything, do not connect to internet yet.. clear everything and perform a system image backup. Get a portable usb hardisk or another internal drive in your computer
For win 7, click start -> getting started -> backup your files
Choose create a system image
It will ask u to save the system image file into ur portable usb
Click next to save.. and after it is done.. it will ask u to burn a repair image disc.. insert a blank disc and burn the repair disc
So everytime your computer stops working/infected, you suspect slow..something wrong or whatever, u just need to insert the cd and boot from will brings u to the system recovery image.. and make sure you already connected with the portable hardisk. Then it will restore everything, then you will get back to your pc as normal status (pls note all your previous modified,updated file/data will be gone if u didnt backup) before attempt to reinstall the system image. it is recommended wipe your hardisk first burn the tools on cd..and boot from it. after done..only then use the windows recovery image
How to access deepweb
You need a tor browser -
Before connect to deepweb always remember connect to VPN first. Socks5 is not necessary only use it during carding
Another option is use live cd to access the deepweb - but not sure how vpn works if u r using tails
Pls remember 99% of the vendor on deepweb is scammer. Never buy something without using escrow. But there are also cases escrow is scam too, so be careful which escrow website you are using
If it is too good to be true, then probably is.
Few example of deepweb address
evo forum -
evo marketplace -
Understanding CVV The most common format you will see for credit/debit card details are the following :
Example :
4077143100698057 | 06/21 | 135 | Danielle Thienel / Danielle Thienel | 1722 Rosewood Ave. | Nashville | TN | 37212 | United States | 615-300-0467 | N/A | N/A | E-mail: [email protected] | NOT CHECKED
PAN (primary account number) : 4077143100698057 Expiry Date : 06/21 3 digit security code CVV : 135 Name appear on card : Danielle Thienel Biiling address : 1722 Rosewood Ave, Nashville, TN Postcode : 37212 Country : United States Phone number : 615-300-0467
Zip Code Search
Further Info About CC owner/Credit Report(CR)/Background Report(BR)
SSN = and
MMN = or Use Facebook (search for account using email address)
california state only -
Credit Reports
go to first.. get the required details
then you will be able to get thru questionaire at
*if you still couldnt find.. maybe its easier buy cc + fullz or google it
How to Get Anonymous Telephone Number (Various Method) - *note - there are some method which able to receive CC sms verification is not revealed yet.
1. Create some free email like gmail or yahoo.
2. Go to
3. Apply for 30 days trial. It not requires CC
4. Go to emailbox and use link to activate account.
In your account you see phone number. You can use this or you can add another number.
When you add number you need to setup default extension for that number, to be able to receive sms. Anyway with this service you can receive sms, receive automated calls (just setup voicemail) and also you can redirect calls. So when they call to your number in USA your phone in Russia rings wink
Don’t go to this site with tor, you need socks or vpn.
If you not receive sms, then try add another number wink
Ahh anyway its fucking easy to find out how this thing works wink Good luck wink
How to obtain USA number
Requirements :
iOs device/iPhone
- reset everything to delete all the data
- create a new email
- create a new apple id, choose payment none, no need enter credit card details
- use new apple id to sign in iOS device
- download Textfree app and sign up, you will get a free USA/UK number. if cannot, get free USA number by sign up at first.. then login the app
- download Burner App on ios.. install the app, it will ask u to enter existing USA number. enter it from TextFree. and it will give u new number
- works on ebay sms verification, gmail
another method : card Ringcentral account. they will give voip setting, either you need to setup physical voip phone or mobile voip client on ios. make sure voip connect to vpn to stay anonymous
UK Landline phone numbers -
Check the Card Validity
create owner new email and try sign up the Netflix..if it works that means the card is valid. Make sure before you visit Netflix you have changed mac address, changed hardisk serial number, changed computer ID, clear browser, and use vpn + vip socks (socks closest to drop address) + RDP (optional)
Before Purchase - Account Take Over (ATO)
find out CC bank & Hotline
go to above websites and enter first 6 digit of PAN and search, it will tell you which bank provider. Then you go to google and search the bank website.. and look for its hotline number. Example
capital one : 1-800-955-7070 (require SSN)
wells fargo : 1-800-642-4720 (require SSN)
FIA card services : 1-800-655-1491
chase bank : 1-800-432-3117
chase bank debit : 1-800-935-9935
greendot : 1-866-795-7597 -- press 1 and enter zip code
branch banking and trust company : 2, then enter zip code
Call forwarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to bank hotline. Links are below.
Free Call Forwarding
Call the Bank
change male/female voice.. impersonate cc owner number call the bank hotline. provide all the verification ..then you can request reset the VBV password. The same method also can be use to add new contact number and shipping address
Bank will ask personal details for verification, so get ready your SSN, MMN, DOB, driving license number, CR and BR. (same steps for reset VBV password)
inform the agent, you want to add additional phone number (ur burner number).. done.
wait 3 - 5 days
call again.. perform verification again done. inform want to add new address (u give fake drop address!) done..
wait 3 - 5 days
Start carding the website Make sure before you visit mechant website you have changed mac address, changed hardisk serial number, changed computer ID, clear browser, and use vpn + vip socks (socks closest to drop address) + CHANGED SCREEN RESOLUTION + RDP (optional)
when u r at shipping info..enter the same address which u gave the bank. merchant will call (ur burner number)for confirmation..just cooperate and give out cc info/reconfirm shipping address
check the tracking frequently, during delivery day.. call the courier asked to delivery another address due to at work or something etc. this is to prevent merchant blacklist your real drop address. they will blacklist the fake drop address after a while..even u use fresh cc they wont deliver no matter how
Some merchant will ask you email them the following : Credit/Debit card scans Driver license scans so be prepared!