carding tut


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11 yrs. 5 mth. 16 days
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Hi brothers, here i present to you, a brief (not detailed) method of succesfully carding Ebay

Follow these steps:
- Get a good CC (spam for fullz or buy from good shop)

- Get an RDP and a SOCKS account (for speedy processing, paypal uses timeout factor to decline transactions)

- U can use dont need an ebay account to card successfully, u can card stuff as guest.

- Firstly, select a little item and click checkout, this is used to get your address confirmed after delivert.

- when directed to PP page, select "I dont have an account" (if this does not come up, then your socks is not clear)

- Enter card infos accordingly. U can use any number as billing phone number. and any email for confirmation, select checkout.

- If card is linked to an account, It will detect the accout and give you an option to checkout as guest or login to proceed, checkout without loging in. Then it will return you to ebay to complete transaction.

- Always select "expidite shipping" and "buy it now" options while purchasing.

- If Order has been placed successfuly, wait till item is delivered, then it means your drop address is automatically confirmed as varified by paypal. payment is 90% sure to always go thru now.

- Never use a card exhustively on ebay, and never use on other site once used to card ebay, untilll order is shipped, otherwise shit can happen.

-Hmm, thats all the basics i can recall for now.
Anyone who wants detailed tut can make me an offer, and i will prove method on ebay via TV assistance.

Good Brain + Good CC with balance + Strong Socks/Powerful RDP = Successfull carding

nJoY and Keep Carding all you want from eBay, its your right to have what you want
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Well-known member
11 yrs. 3 mth. 21 days
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Wrong Section.....
You should post your thread in Tutorials
Next time Don't do this.
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