[Cracked] Blackshades NET 4.8


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11 yrs. 6 mth. 29 days
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Be angry at me for making this thread but whatever. The old one got bombarded with hatred for HF and everything "useful" got buried (I personally think the other one needs to be trashed). I'm sick of getting PMs from people asking me how to set up the MySQL server and XAMPP as well. So, to put a stop to this and to actually help some people out, here is this thread.

Open "Windows -> System32 -> Drivers -> etc -> hosts" in Notepad or some other text editor.
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elete what's in that file and replace it with the above. Click "File" then "Save". Download the file below, extract it, run Server4.8, and then the client. That's all. If something doesn't work, PEBKAC.

Credits go to srbin for the original leak and NonH for modifying the login server.
RAR PASSWORD : opensc.ws
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