Creating A Java Drive-by [FUD]


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11 yrs. 6 mth. 28 days
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Step 1:
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all the files.

Step 2 1/3:
If you stole or made your own HTML code for the website, paste the HTML code BELOW the existing code in the index.html of the first folder. It should look like this:

Step 2 2/3:
If you used the template, take the java.jar, java.png and load.gif and place them in the template file.

Step 3:

Rename your virus.exe to java.exe to make it less suspicious, and then upload the java.exe to a website where you can get a DIRECT download link. (I used Mediafire because my virus is 100% FUD so it doesn't get picked up by its virus scan) Take that direct download link and paste it into the part of the applet text that says "DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK TO VIRUS HERE" like so:

Step 4:
Now you are going to need a web host. I used
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as mine, but you can basically use whatever you want.

Step 5:

Use an FTP file transfer to either add all of your files to the webhost or all of the template files to the webhost.

Step 6:
If everything has been done correctly go to
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and you should get a screen that looks like this (with your website also, I used a blank template for this picture):

Step 7:
Share your website with people, and when they click run this time or always run on this site, they will get another popup asking if they are sure, and lets face it, they will more than likely click Continue.
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