Crowd1 - Make Money


Well-known member
3 yrs. 4 mth. 13 days
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Hello, I put you the link here :
but I advise you to read anyway to understand -- Good reading ;)

little tip: no one makes money by doing nothing, and taking no risk!

CROWD1 is a company created in 2007, today specialized in Fomation, EDUCATION and GAMING, the head office of CROWD1 after being created in DUBAI, is today in SPAIN:
Tax ID Number (NIF): B88429436
It is a cash machine that in January 2019 decided to develop its sources of income by positioning itself on another big world market that is Gaming on Line (online games).
Thus, since January 2019, the partners have been able to obtain ownership rights CROWD1. Now it is the property rights of the companies affiliated to CROWD1, and specialized in Gaming and Gambling, AFFILGO and MIGGSTER, that members procure each week, quantity according to the pack held.

Some leaders already earn very comfortable income

The information is being passed around Europe, Asia, all of Africa and the whole world.
We already have over 2,750,000 members

It is first of all for us to REGISTER and BUY A PACK to activate our account:

1-) Pack WHITE €99 (86.96 shares)
2-) Pack BLACK at €299 (260.87 shares)
3-) GOLD pack of €799 (869.57 shares)
4-) TITANIUM pack of €2,499 (3,043.48 shares)

These Packs give us shares on the platform and represent property rights for us as future shareholders.

there were the Pioneers shares and today they were all distributed.

Today, ACTIVE MEMBERS receive units of AFFILGO (current value €2.83) of MIGGSTER (current value €0.99)

These shares may be resold by agreement to the Company or to other members.

Good to know, understand the BONUSES:
STREAMLINE BONUS: Every time you actively sponsor, you earn more property rights … This is the Streamline Bonus (calculated based on your pack and the number of your active partners .. e.g. a titanium pack with 15 godchildren will earn €1000/week in property rights)
BINARY BONUS: You must have a right and right pack holder godson to be eligible for this bonus.

1 WHITE pack and 4 referrals will give you 10% of winnings on your 1st level (+10% of winnings)
1 BLACK pack and 8 active referrals will unlock your 2nd level (+10% payout)
1 TITANIUM package with 20 active referrals will unlock your 5 levels with 10% payout on each.


Here’s how it works
The only thing that controls your long-term revenues from online products and services is the level you have in the network.
If you have built your network in only one or a few countries, you still have passive income from all the countries in the world where Crowd1 generates sales (in association with game companies). Each level of the network brings together parts of profits that generate returns based on the turnover of Crowd1’s online products and services in the world’s largest markets.
The turnover of Crowd1 is equally distributed among the 18 levels.

If you have reached LEVEL 1, you have profit shares in the level 1 pool.
If you have reached LEVEL 6, you have profit shares in all pools from level 1 to 6.
If you have reached LEVEL 15, you have profit shares in all groups in levels 1 to 15.
If you have not yet reached any level, you still have the opportunity to join the Crowd1 property rights benefit pool when you first qualify as Team Leader Level 1 (Pool 1 member)

You can choose from 3 Crowd1 cards provided by Union Pay.

NB: Buying a pack by Bitcoin Ethereum or by bank transfer is recommended. Crowd1 also implements a payment solution with Visa.

After your registration, the activation of your account is subject to the purchase of one of the aforementioned packs.

You own a pack and are thus active...
You have activated your Binary (1 partner on the left and 1 partner on the right)

You can win €18-36 for any new WHITE Pack Partner
You can win from €54 to €108 for any new partner with a BLACK pack
You can win from €144 to €288 for any new partner with a GOLD pack
You can win from €450 to €900 for any new partner with a TITANIUM package

BONUS: FEAR OF LOSS (Quick Start Bonus)
After your registration and purchase of your pack, you have a period of 14 days to achieve the objectives below and thus earn additional bonuses...

€125 if after purchasing your pack you sponsor 4 members with White packs
€375 if after purchasing your pack you sponsor 4 members with Black packs
€1000 if after purchasing your pack you sponsor 4 members with Gold packs
€3,000 if, after purchasing your pack, you sponsor 4 members with Titanium packs

Combinations are possible, for example 2 members with a BLACK pack and 2 members with a WHITE pack during these 14 days, the lowest bonus, in this case 125 €, will then be paid to you.

RANKING levels are cumulative at Crowd1
New levels are reached by building your binary balance and earning money in Crowd1. A new level will give you access to higher long-term residual income. When you reach level 10 (Director), you will be invited to a LUXURY VIP CRUISE!
Conseil concernant CROWD1 : il ne sert à rien de rester en gratuit, il vous faut donc acquérir un pack actif pour bénéficier à plein des avantages proposés par Crowd1.
Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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