Crawler to obtain data from the Dark Web marketplaces in order to get some databases for further analysis.
In order to use this tool, it is necessary to have installed the Tor browser, Python and some libraries such as Selenium (to be able to scrape the websites of the markets) and sqlite3 to be able to store the information obtained in a SQLite database.
Installing Tor
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher
Clone the repo
git clone
python3 market_name port file.txt
Where the market_name is the market to crawl
The port is the port that the crawl will use to connect through Tor to the market
The file.txt is the file where the URLs will be stored for later analysis.
This forum account is currently banned. Ban Length: (Permanent).
Ban Reason: Sorry, but you were banned for a reason. We cannot allow scammers on our forum.
In order to use this tool, it is necessary to have installed the Tor browser, Python and some libraries such as Selenium (to be able to scrape the websites of the markets) and sqlite3 to be able to store the information obtained in a SQLite database.
Installing Tor
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher
- Installing Python
Clone the repo
git clone
- Install dependencies and libraries
python3 market_name port file.txt
Where the market_name is the market to crawl
The port is the port that the crawl will use to connect through Tor to the market
The file.txt is the file where the URLs will be stored for later analysis.
This forum account is currently banned. Ban Length: (Permanent).
Ban Reason: Sorry, but you were banned for a reason. We cannot allow scammers on our forum.