Hello deer Sirs and Mams, to-day I will post how to do a DDOs attack working 2022 updated method no trojan in very simple steps for you to follow me.
Step 1: Press Windows color 4 key with colors and windows to open Search menu panel (see image attack) (follow arrows)
Step 2: Go start type "Command Prompt" and click black box with text "Command Prompt" to open "Command Prompt" black window (see image attack) (I have add many type for many Window)
Step 3: You have big black Window open call "Command Prompt" now on computer screen, it look like this:
Step 4: Get IP ADDRESS of person or web site you want attacking
Step 5: Copy this words: "ping IPADDRESS" and put real IP ADDRESS where text IPADDRESS is in words to copy (in example "ping")
Step 6: OK now select your text and use RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON button to click and select Copy to copy text (see image to example)
Step ALTERNATIVE: For ALTERNATIVE method of COPY IP ADDRESS, use computer window SHORTCUT (example in attack picture)
Step 7: Go to COMMAND PROMPT and insert selected copy text in COMMAND PROMPT big black window area, and press ENTER big key on Keyboard
Step 8: For since you canNOT use flag option -t in special command to repeat for infinity DDOS ATTACK, Step 8 go to repeat all Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step ALTERNATIVE Step 7 Step 8 and repeat while IP ADDRESS you attacking is DDOS ATTACK offline
Thank for to read my tutorial, only working DDOS ATTACK METHODE 2022 UPDATE WORKING ALWAYS, leave reply if help required, I am happy assistance!
Step 1: Press Windows color 4 key with colors and windows to open Search menu panel (see image attack) (follow arrows)
Step 2: Go start type "Command Prompt" and click black box with text "Command Prompt" to open "Command Prompt" black window (see image attack) (I have add many type for many Window)
Step 3: You have big black Window open call "Command Prompt" now on computer screen, it look like this:
Step 4: Get IP ADDRESS of person or web site you want attacking
Step 5: Copy this words: "ping IPADDRESS" and put real IP ADDRESS where text IPADDRESS is in words to copy (in example "ping")
Step 6: OK now select your text and use RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON button to click and select Copy to copy text (see image to example)
Step ALTERNATIVE: For ALTERNATIVE method of COPY IP ADDRESS, use computer window SHORTCUT (example in attack picture)
Step 7: Go to COMMAND PROMPT and insert selected copy text in COMMAND PROMPT big black window area, and press ENTER big key on Keyboard
Step 8: For since you canNOT use flag option -t in special command to repeat for infinity DDOS ATTACK, Step 8 go to repeat all Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step ALTERNATIVE Step 7 Step 8 and repeat while IP ADDRESS you attacking is DDOS ATTACK offline
Thank for to read my tutorial, only working DDOS ATTACK METHODE 2022 UPDATE WORKING ALWAYS, leave reply if help required, I am happy assistance!