Defacing, not the best idea. Here's why


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Hey it's Sin here again (Hyped up on Coffee lol..)Don't see me as a Blackhat hater, just giving adviceSo.. here we go, i just wanted to explain why i don't recommend defacing real briefly,So, Here are some of the common reasons why people may or may not deface- Attention- To let the Admin know to improve security- Political motives / Hope to make a change- As they say nowadays "For the lulz"Okay so let's break these down.First thing first here is how i see Defacing for "Improvement of security.

Think about this. Breaking into someone's house, and leaving a note on the door. "Hey i just broke into your house, but i didn't take anything" It's still trespassing right?

Alternative: Contact the Admin, using a middleman, or personally facing him, and mentioning the security holes, in his site. Maybe even make a small amount of cash

Okay, now. Those who think Defacing will make a change.

Time for a science reference

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

Think about that for a few seconds. Now think.. Defacing and SQL injecting multiple sites. Do you not think that they will attempt to track you down?

So to keep it short and simple, if you're gonna blackhat. The least you can do is take info, and go stealthily..

Back to my house analogy,

If you break in, take everything, and leave a note stating your name, and neighborhood (For example, in this case a Twitter)
You will eventually be tracked down

If you break in, take the stuff that's obviously not of high value, but could be exploited, Chances are lower, but the security cameras could have seen you (Logs)

In other terms. If your gonna do something blackhat. Do it stealthily and under the radar at least.

Anyways, this is Sin, out.
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