DevSecOps Tools List in 2023


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1. Veracode
Veracode is an amazing cloud-based security tool created to simplify developer security testing. It provides comprehensive visibility into your application’s security posture and offers remediation tips for any vulnerabilities it detects.

2. Checkmarx

Checkmarx provides AI-powered software security solutions that help identify and remediate code vulnerabilities. It integrates easily into your development pipeline and provides actionable insights into your security posture.

OWASP ZAP is a free and open-source web application security scanner. It is highly customizable and can identify vulnerabilities in your application and works by intercepting аnd modifying HTTР аnd HTTРS trаffic between the wеb аpplicаtion аnd сlient. ZAP has the capability to scan for a range of security issues and includes аutomаted аnd mаnuаl scаnning modes.

4. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a leading platform for web application security testing. It offers a variety of tools to help you identify and remediate vulnerabilities and integrates seamlessly into your DevSecOps pipeline.

5. SonarQube

SonarQube is a popular code quality tool that offers security-focused plugins to help identify code vulnerabilities during development, provides continuous feedback on your code, and enables you to maintain high code quality.

6. Fortify
Fortify is an industry-leading application security tool that offers comprehensive testing capabilities, including static, dynamic, and interactive application security testing.

7. Snyk

Snyk is a popular developer-first application security tool that integrates directly into your development tools and workflows. It supports multiple languages and offers actionable insight into your app’s security posture.

8. Coverity
Coverity is a static analysis tool that detects and helps you remediate critical software defects that could impact the security of your application. It also offers integrations with all the leading DevSecOps tools, making it a popular choice for large organizations.

9. AppScan

AppScan is a popular application security tool . Its AI-powered solution is easy-to-use and supports both static and dynamic applications.
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