Viotto Keylogger is a software created to satisfy most of your computer surveillance needs, thanks to the many high-customizable functions and options that it offers.
This software is not just a simple keylogger, since it doesn't log only keystrokes, but also:
Active windows (and websites title)
Launch and termination time (useful to see when system has been started or shutted down)
Despite its extensive assortment of feature, VKL is very light on size and sistem resources. This is the size of
Public version: 36 KB
Private version : 72 KB (compression function disabled)
Private version: 26 KB (compression function enabled)
The Keylogger is programmed to use a minimum amount of CPU, to keep it light and stealth. This is achieved also thanks to the keyboard hooking technique used in VKL.
This software has been successfully tested and resulted compatible from WinXP to Win10.
Viotto Keylogger can be used for learning and legit purposes only.
The user will be the sole responsible for any misuse.
You can find more information about this software on its official page on my website.