EASY Cashout CC/Fullz To Bank Account TUTORIAL


11 yrs. 1 mth.
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hello i wanted to share my experience cashing out fullz via Razoo.com the fundraiser/donation site with Stripe.com as their payment processor/merchant account to process the cc payments.

its all pretty damn easy to setup.

1st. i setup a Razoo.com account under my fullz name. i used free hotmail email and you need SSN and DOB. (i just made a phony Wedding fundraiser.)

2nd. You need to setup a Razoo.com account to accept your CC payments. youll need a routing number and account number as well. (i just used a Prepaid Netspend Card under fullz name it has routing and account number and 10k limit on card)

3rd. 10 Good Fullz To Send Yourself Good Ole Friendly Donations [Image: cigar-smoker.gif]
4th. I sent myself $747 dollars from 10 different Fullz (Nothing Over $200 dident wanna get too greedy now lol)

5th. After Payment is successful wait week and you payment will go to straight to your bank account. Then Cashout ATM.


i can see how i was soooo close to getting paid and how this cashing out through Stripe.com merchant is veryyyy veryyy possible.

I will try again because i learned so much.

1. Do NOT USE FREE EMAIL (i think i should get personal domain email it will look wayy better)

2. In order to send bank transfers your Razoo account must be open minimum one week... I tried sending mine wayyy to early [Image: 68.gif]
3. NEVER login your Stripe account through any Tor browser or multiple Proxy Servers (They track all account activity and logins and will scream to them your a fraud lol try to use 1 clean IP not yours of course maybe free starbucks wifi)

4. I think setting up a fake duplicate website of any internet business would be better than having Razoo.com donations just my opinion (Still need to test that one out)

5. When making payment with CC Fullz use IP in same city area as FULLZ (Dont have your IP address be in Sweden when your Fullz info is from NYC Common Sense)

6. Also have Good FULLZ they will block your account if you have lots of declined transactions so make sure your FULLZ have a high amount.

Thats it for now I will keep updating this thread and let you know what else i find out.
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thanks for this
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