Eat at Mcdonalds for free all the time


Well-known member
11 yrs. 6 mth. 1 days
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Hey guys, i was a new buyer on evo when it comes down(got lucky i wasn't ready to buy something) and a new puppet of this darkworld so far.

So i've decided to make a contribution to the community for free, i guess some of you know the trick already and i will describe you 2 methods to eat for free 1 legal, 1 illegal, ( you can switch ). I'm an european guy so i don't know if it will work for US.

I will be short because that's pretty easy.

First method. The legal one. succes rate ( 80%~ )

Time you need so far : 1 week ~

You go on the Main website of Mcdonald's, go one write a review about a restaurant, you can tell them than you are highly disappointed, all what you commanded was cold(describe the menu you took but i advice you to say you ordered an usual menu like Bigmac or something, the service was bad, etc etc i don't have to explain what you can say it's all about your imagination.

They will ask you what restaurant, Day/Hours, i advice you to use hours between 11AM/1PM - 7PM-10PM and a friday/saturday. Say that you don't remember the hours you came. Send your message

First they will contact you to say they blabla sorry (2days average) etc and they will get an invoice to the restaurant to write you something and viola 1 week after the restaurant mail you at the conversation you started with the main mcdo website, saying they offer you a Big menu at the restaurant , you just have to come over and say your name ( no id needed ) and they will manage to regain your trust. It works usually at 80% because some of restaurant does not care about their customers. you can repeat this method on every mcdo and change your name or not it does not matter but i advice you to do it.

The second method. Illegal one. ( Succes rate 100%~ )

As you all know, Mcdonalds have a drive, and 2 stops (you may start to understand what i'm going to explain)

You need a car or a bike anything to go at drive. At the first stop you order something, whatever then they will ask you to pay, you act like mindblowed and say you don't have your wallet or if you have a card who doesn't work use it that's the best. then you say you will leave or just order inside that's a free excuse.

You just drive and break just 3 meters away ~ when the first guy cannot see you (between first and second stop), you wait the car before you to order something and pay, at the moment you see he paid, you can drive to the second stop and take his command , thanks them that's always cool to eat for free. ( hope he gets a big menu)

i advice you to make that when they got a lot of people waiting and around midday and 8PM you get so much sometimes haha..

I know that's a well known but i did not see it on the forum, so it's free for you guys !

I'll make you others guides for fastfood soon ! if you have some questions i would be happy to answer you at my best.



N.B: Sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker
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Well-known member
8 yrs. 11 mth. 10 days
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A good way to get shot in the 'hood. Better stick to the suburbs with this one, lol!


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1 yrs. 9 mth. 5 days
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Good afternoon
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