Ebook Collection


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Ebook Collection

Byte of Python V1.2 (for Python 2.X)
A Byte of Python V1.92 (for Python 3.0)
A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python Language
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
Beginning Python- From Novice to Professional, Second Editon
Beginning Python- Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1
Beginning Python
Beginning Python Visualization- Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, First Edtion
Dive Into Python 3
Expert Python Programming
Foundations of Agile Python Development
Game Programming with Python
Gray Hat Python- Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers
Head First Python- First Edition
Hello World- Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners, Fourth Printing
Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python
Learning Python- Fourth Edition
Learning to Program- Python
Make Use of Python
Methods in Medical Informatics- Fundamentals of Healthcare Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby
Mobile Python- Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform
Natural Language Processing With Python
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python- Second Edition
Practical Programming- An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
Pro Python
Pro Python System Administration
Programming in Python 3- A Complete Introduction to The Python Language- Second Edition
Python-How To Program
Python & XML- XML Processing with Python- First Edition
Python 2.1 Bible
Python 2.6 Quick Reference
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
Python and Tkinter Programming
Python CookBook- Second Edition
Python Developer's Handbook- First Edition
Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition
Python For Bioinformatics
Python For Dummies
Python for Informatics- Exploring Information
Python for Software Design- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
Python Pocket Reference- Fourth Edition
Python Power- The Comprehensive Guide
Python Programming- An Introduction to Computer Science
Python Programming Fundamentals
Python Scripting for Computational Science- Third Edition
Python Testing- Beginner's Guide
Starting Out with Python
The Quick Python Book- Second Edition
Think Python- An Introduction to Software Design
Thinking in Tkniter
Tkinter 8.4 Reference- A GUI for Python
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame- From Novice to Professional
CherryPY Essentials- Rapid Python Web Application Development
Getting Started With Pyparsing
Guide to Numpy
Matplotlib for Python Developers
My SQL for Python
Professional Python Frameworks- Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and QT- The Definitive Guide To PvQt
Spring Python
Web2py Enterprise Web Framework- Second Edition
wxPython in Action
Python 2.4 Quick Reference Card
Python 2.5 Reference Card
Python 2.6 CheatSheet
Python Cheat Sheet

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