This is our official escrow service.
Our systems payments BitCoin / PerfectMoney/ WebMoney
Just 5$ FEE!
Is a service that give the possibilty for both sellers and buyers in anycase of deal to be safe . The buyer pays the money due to the seller to Comunity Hack Escrow and it's released only when he confirms that we can do so.
If any problems is occured, the buyer who paid to the CrackingForums Escrow must explain the problems, and will see his money refunded.The buyer have then no chance to loose his money, since the seller will not see any cents of it till he confirms. And for the seller, we know that alot of personn never pay after that the seller deliver his work, or loose his time. With TH Escrow, the seller knows at the beginning that the buyer is a serious member that got the money and already paid
Avantage for the buyer :
- He is safe during all the deal, his money is with us.
Avantage for the seller :
- He knows that the buyer paid the Escrow, wich means that he knows that the buyer have the money and he is serious
In both case, the TH Escrow reduce probabilty of getting scammed for the buyer, and loosing his time for the seller ...
To get funds in your PerfectMoney account, click here
!! HOW TO GET e-Voucher Code PerfectMoney
a) go to any exchanger site use
Note : If You have Curreny like WMZ/BitCoins/MoneyBookers/PayPal You still can Exchange for get PM Funds...
b) Contact with Exchanger and send them money via WU/MG/Bank wire etc ... and then they will give you PerfectMoney e-Voucher Code like this :
!! HOW TO MAKE e-Voucher Code ON PerfectMoney
a) If you have already balance in Your PerfectMoney Account then follow these step
1: Go here :
after then click on e-Voucher code :
2: Then you will get page e-Voucher Depository
then click on
Purchase a new e-Voucher »
3: Then you will get this Page Purchase e-Voucher
Please select the account and the exact e-Voucher amount you want to issue.
Account to charge from : USD Account
Amount of e-Voucher : Amount for Buy as u like
4: then you will get page for buy click button and your e-Voucher Code ready to send
Note : Send e-Voucher Code to Tornado that type
Only admins can make this escrow service. (Tornado)
Make a Thread HERE with proof of your payment and a administrator will verify it...
If you want to deal with Escrow but to stay private and not post a thread on forum, so no one can see that you are dealing, simply PM Tornado and kindly tell him you want to do it private. The transaction will be done by PM between the seller, Tornado, and the buyer
Our systems payments BitCoin / PerfectMoney/ WebMoney
Just 5$ FEE!
Is a service that give the possibilty for both sellers and buyers in anycase of deal to be safe . The buyer pays the money due to the seller to Comunity Hack Escrow and it's released only when he confirms that we can do so.
If any problems is occured, the buyer who paid to the CrackingForums Escrow must explain the problems, and will see his money refunded.The buyer have then no chance to loose his money, since the seller will not see any cents of it till he confirms. And for the seller, we know that alot of personn never pay after that the seller deliver his work, or loose his time. With TH Escrow, the seller knows at the beginning that the buyer is a serious member that got the money and already paid
Avantage for the buyer :
- He is safe during all the deal, his money is with us.
Avantage for the seller :
- He knows that the buyer paid the Escrow, wich means that he knows that the buyer have the money and he is serious
In both case, the TH Escrow reduce probabilty of getting scammed for the buyer, and loosing his time for the seller ...
To get funds in your PerfectMoney account, click here
!! HOW TO GET e-Voucher Code PerfectMoney
a) go to any exchanger site use
Note : If You have Curreny like WMZ/BitCoins/MoneyBookers/PayPal You still can Exchange for get PM Funds...
b) Contact with Exchanger and send them money via WU/MG/Bank wire etc ... and then they will give you PerfectMoney e-Voucher Code like this :
Then you need to Send Private Message to Tornado with e-Voucher code number and Activation code So he will add e-Voucher code on TH PerfectMoney Account and then he will confirm your Deal.
!! HOW TO MAKE e-Voucher Code ON PerfectMoney
a) If you have already balance in Your PerfectMoney Account then follow these step
1: Go here :
after then click on e-Voucher code :

2: Then you will get page e-Voucher Depository
then click on

3: Then you will get this Page Purchase e-Voucher
Please select the account and the exact e-Voucher amount you want to issue.
Account to charge from : USD Account
Amount of e-Voucher : Amount for Buy as u like
4: then you will get page for buy click button and your e-Voucher Code ready to send
Note : Send e-Voucher Code to Tornado that type
i) Make a thread in ESCROW SERVICE with the seller and your deal, Then Escrow Will confirm Your Deal and then Seller can start his job.
Only admins can make this escrow service. (Tornado)
Make a Thread HERE with proof of your payment and a administrator will verify it...
If you want to deal with Escrow but to stay private and not post a thread on forum, so no one can see that you are dealing, simply PM Tornado and kindly tell him you want to do it private. The transaction will be done by PM between the seller, Tornado, and the buyer
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