Maps and database of 802.11 wireless networks, with statistics, submitted by wardrivers, netstumblers, and net huggers.
you can use this website to find wirelesses all around the world
a technique called wardriving was used to fill this site
Wardriving involves attackers searching for wireless networks with vulnerabilities while moving around an area in a moving vehicle. They use hardware and software to discover unsecured Wi-Fi networks then gain unauthorized access to the network by cracking passwords or decrypting the router.
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you can use this website to find wirelesses all around the world
a technique called wardriving was used to fill this site
Wardriving involves attackers searching for wireless networks with vulnerabilities while moving around an area in a moving vehicle. They use hardware and software to discover unsecured Wi-Fi networks then gain unauthorized access to the network by cracking passwords or decrypting the router.
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