Fortnite NFA TO FA method


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 14 days
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Just wanted to share this method

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1 - You Just Contact Epic Games

2 - Make to say "I created my account on a false email and i would like to change my email"

3 - Then epic will ask some question to know if you own the account, to get information about the account go on fortnite checker on facebook

enjoy method

NFA TO FA method:

Note : this method is private method 100% working. if you think this is fake then you can cancel the page and go back .

1)you need a unverified account fortnite (verified not tried so cant say) .

2)you have to contact the epic games selecting that you have a account permission issue

3)tell them that you have got a warning from school that you are using your email in games and its password is changed now and you don't have access to school mail anymore and you wanna change your email of epic games . (must mention) hope you understand and help me .

then a reply within that day will come asking that

1)1. Email address associated with your Epic Games account

2. Current Epic Games account display name

3. First and last names of Epic Games account holder

4. External account currently connected to your Epic Games account, if applicable.

if this message come to you then it means you are done and you just have to reply the questions and they will ask for email after it
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