Free cloud hosting [512mb/linux] forever.


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1 yrs. 8 mth. 12 days
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With this method you get a cloud server Literally free & forever.

Getting Started

Here is what we'll need:

  • Time and patience
  • 5-10 email accounts


  • Linux server with root access
  • 10Gb storage space
  • 100GB Bandwidth
  • 512MB RAM
The Method
  1. First of all, You need multiple email accounts(disposable won't work), as we are going to sign up multiple times
  2. Go to
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    and register your primary e-mail (the one you want the VPS account to be under).
  3. You'll notice this referral based system jumps you up in the queue when you register e-mails. So, to jump up the queue, send invites to e-mails you made in your hosting account.
  4. Go to your e-mail account and confirm the emails sent from Cloudrino.
  5. Repeat this until you are at the top of the Queue.
  6. If you get to the sub-100 queue(below 100). You will get a registration link before 24 hours.
Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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