1st site:
Hidden Content
Scroll down until you find this button:
[Image: Screenshot-8.png]
Click on checkout
Register with fake info, you can use any tempmail (I reccomend )
Complete order, verify email (first email they send you)
Go to client area, click on "Test 30 min" small button
[Image: Screenshot-9.png]
Scroll down, set your ip
Then ur done! Scroll down until you see this and create your txt file
[Image: Screenshot-10.png]
If you are using openbullet or silverbullet set your template to this {ip}:{port}:{login}:{password} then create your txt file
You can do this multiple times just change your ip with a vpn
2nd site:
Hidden Content
Whole site works the same as the other but this one is faster
Hidden Content
Scroll down until you find this button:
[Image: Screenshot-8.png]
Click on checkout
Register with fake info, you can use any tempmail (I reccomend )
Complete order, verify email (first email they send you)
Go to client area, click on "Test 30 min" small button
[Image: Screenshot-9.png]
Scroll down, set your ip
Then ur done! Scroll down until you see this and create your txt file
[Image: Screenshot-10.png]
If you are using openbullet or silverbullet set your template to this {ip}:{port}:{login}:{password} then create your txt file
You can do this multiple times just change your ip with a vpn
2nd site:
Hidden Content
Whole site works the same as the other but this one is faster