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1 yrs. 9 mth. 2 days
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I'm sure you read a million tutorials about cracking.
You cracked your first premium account , dumped your first database,dehashed it , and made your first sentry config.
But you always wondered "How could I make money from this?"

Well I'm going to help you with some methods.

Selling Combos
So this part is probably the most hardest since you need to satisfy your buyers.
Things to never do while selling combos :
1.Sell public combos : Probably you thought "Hmm they are gonna buy combos from leecher."They probably gonna buy , if they don't ask antipublic but after 1-2 hours they are gonna ask for a refund or a replacement since they gonna notice that your combo is public and raped.
2.Selling half public and private combos.This mean half is your combo is private and public.You are gonna ask where do I know if my combo is public or private.Use an antipublic combo.There are much of them.It's usefull.

How to sell them :
So you can make a thread and just say your rate.Don't be jew and ask $20 for 5k line of combo.Be gentle with prices. Like 100k $10 , but be sure they are pretty good.
Or you can make a autoshop, I don't reccomend this since it's bad for begginers.

Tips while you sell combos :
Always do anti-duplicate and parse + randomizing them.
Selling Dorks
Things to never do while you sell dorks.
Selling public dorks : They are gonna buy it but as I mentioned them gonna ask for refund or replacement.

Tips while selling combos :
Remove duplicates , you don't want more than 1 line in your dork-list.
Randomize them , if you made the dorks with generator then randomize them.
Use custom parameters.If you use generators make your own parameters.
Write with hands.Use sublime text , notepad++ , Atom to write your own writed dorks with hands.

How to sell them :
It's easy make a thread and write your rates.
Don't be jew to take too much for your dorks.
$10 for 15k dorks is good rate.

Selling proxies
Things to never do while you sell your proxies:
Selling public proxies from shitty blogspot sites.
Selling your proxies without checking them twice.Always check them twice.

Tips to do when you sell your proxies :
As I mentioned double check them.So there are less dead proxies.
Be respectfull while you talk to your users.
Remove duplicates , as I mentioned before you don't want more than 1 line in your proxy-list.
Randomize them.So good and bad proxies are mixed.

How to sell them :
It's easy as I mentioned before.
Make a thread and put your own rates.
Don't be jew and ask much for your proxies.
$5 for 1k hq proxy is good.
Selling accounts
So here's the most profitable one.
Selling cracked premium accounts.
Things to never do if you sell cracked accounts :
Changing the password of the account.You don't know if they buyer wants to change the password of the account or not.Leave the password as it was.This also makes the account more fresh and hq.
Selling old accounts.Just a think most subcriptions are for 1 month.If you cracked the account before 1 month the subcription is done , if the cracked account owner won't have autobuy.But always check your account before checking so you dont sell already no premium account.

Tips to do when you sell them :
Have a screenshot of the account so the buyer know what (s)he will receive.

How to sell them :
It's easy as before.
Make a thread and and put your own rates.

Here I can't say your rates since it depends on accounts.
Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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