GoDoH-A DNS-over-HTTPS C2 https://darkteam.cc


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 13 days
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godoh is a proof of concept Command and Control framework, written in Golang, that uses DNS-over-HTTPS as a transport medium. Currently supported providers include Google, Cloudflare but also contains the ability to use traditional DNS.
All you would need are the godoh binaries themselves. Binaries are available for download from the releases page as part of tagged releases.
To build godoh from source, follow the following steps:

Ensure you have dep installed (go get -v -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep)
Clone this repository to your $GOPATH's src/ directory so that it is in sensepost/godoh
Run dep ensure to resolve dependencies
Run make key to generate a unique encryption key to use for communication
Use the go build tools, or run make to build the binaries in the build/ directory
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