google forms email sending method


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 13 days
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I've seen this being used on spam/phishing campaigns lately so I found out how it works
The method does include having to solve the captcha (not sure about hq ip tho) so it doesn't fit my needs so ill share it with you all
if you do it following these steps you should get an email from [email protected]

1 - Make a google form should be pretty simple
[Image: image.png]
2 - click on Settings and go to Responses
[Image: image.png]
3 - Turn on collect email addresses and enable "Send responders a copy of their response"
[Image: image.png]
4 - Go fill out the form with the person's email and boom! they will receive an email with your exact form (edited to your needs) in their inbox! from [email protected]
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