Greame RAT v1.9


11 yrs. 9 mth. 3 days
Reaction score

-Reduce the size of the server to 264 KB
-Full compatibility with Windows 8 64 bit
-Get Pass Of Firefox 20.0
-Fix Webcam Debug
-Fix Keylogger Debug
-Fix File Manager Debug
-Eased the client and the server on the computer

Available functions:
Client Options
- Change the interface (skins)
- Dektop, Webcam an Audio Start Auto...
- and more...

Server Options
- Uninstall
- Disconnect
- Update and more...

Extra options
- Passwords (Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, MSN, and others)
- Open website
- Run commands
- Send files and run
- Download and run
- Proxy (http and https)
- and more...

File Manager
- List files (with information on each)
- Preview image
- Set wallpaper
- Search files on your computer
- and more...

Process Manager
- List active processes (with information on each)
- Kill or pause processes
- and more...

Window Manager
- List active windows (with information on each)
- Close, minimize, restore, change window title
- and more...

Services Manager
- List installed services (with information on each)
- Install
- Uninstall
- and more...

Registry Manager
- Works as Windows Regedit
- Delete keys
- Create keys
- Manage StartUp programs
- and more...

Clipboard Manager
- Manages the contents of the clipboard (text and files) of the computer (Ctrl + C)

Devices list
- Shows all devices available on the computer

Active ports
- List active connections (with information on each)
- Kill connections
- and more...

Command Prompt
- Works like DOS windows

- Restart, Shutdown and Log Off Windows
- Open and close CD / DVD
- Pause mouse
- and more...

- Talk directly to another computer

- Change MSN status
And more, more, more...

PassZIP: 753

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