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The ULTIMATE E-Whoring Guide
So by you coming to this thread I am assuming you want to learn the ways of e-whoring or you are thinking... 'What the fuck is e-whoring'

Just to get a few things straight.
Thanks to HackForums for uploading the cam video, all credits go to them! (Not sure who on the forums)

This guide is completely 100% written by me (King Reapzz) If you find this exact guide somewhere else please tell me and I will have a talk with the person.

E-Whoring is pretty simple really.
Guys (Or girls of course if they want) pretend to be a girl and get the victims attention.
After getting the victims attention, they then make the victim really believe that you are a female, then get them to go into a webcam show, and make them think that you are the female in the webcam, performing a strip for them, when in reality it is just really a recording. (Recording will be provided at the bottom of this guide)

Getting Started with E-whoring:
So to get started with e-whoring the first thing you are going to need is a fake email.
Go to Hotmail.com and sign up.
Make an email with a girls name in it or an email that sounds girly.
Example: [email protected]

Now that you have your email you need the cam video...
But where are you going to get that? Simple! Just continue reading this guide to the end and you will see a download there or just scroll down now!

Download the cam video, it is uploaded into .rar format.
Extract it to somewhere, for this guide I will be using my desktop for the extraction.

Now you have the cam video. The video I am sharing with you is a good video, it has the girl waving, just typing, doing a strip, getting naughty (;
Remember: When playing the video, if they want you to just sit there and talk to them or something, one of the clips for this girl is just her typing on her computer and thats it. Just put it on loop and it will look like she is typing over and over again and look pretty good.

So, now, you are either saying "Okay I have the video and such, I have the other program and know what I am doing from here" or you are saying "How do I get this to show up as my webcam?"

Well the download link is provided below (At the end of the guide)
Download ManyCam.
Save it somewheres where you can gain easy access to it without going through a bunch of crap. I am going to , once again, use my desktop as an example which is also recommended because it is incredibly easy to get to. :)

Okay so now you have everything you need.
You should have:
Fake email that is girl related
Videos of a blonde girl for tricking the victim

It is now time to set-up the webcam :)
Please Note: You do NOT need a webcam of your own for this.
Open ManyCam
Go to the sources tab at the top of the little window of ManyCam
Click Movies
Click 'Open New File'
Browse through your computer files and look for the video that you want
Open it in ManyCam

Just like that you have ManyCam set-up and ready to own some victims (;

Getting away with this trick:
So here are just some tips and tricks and Methods for getting away with this e-whoring thing.

Method #1 Runescape Gold and PayPal cash. (This method mainly focuses on Runescape cash)
-Start off by saying something like you are selling a main for RSGP because you are trying to get some cash for a skiller. Try and sell it to them even if they aren't interested.
-Then start going into the part where you are DESPERATE for Runescape Gold.
-If they start to ignore you, it is NOT over yet.
-After talking to them about you selling the account, and you are desperate for gold and such, ask if you can make a deal with them and just hope, that they are curious as to what this deal is. Usually I get a simple '?' and it works out fine.
-When they ask about this deal, tell them something like 'Well .. I am a bit shy to say this..' don't say something like 'I WILL RUB MY VAGINA FOR 10M PL0X'
Keep cool and act like a REAL girl and you are shy and really need the gold this badly.
-They may ask 'What?' or they may say nothing, but just say 'I will give you a cam show for a few mill, please?'
-When they say you probably aren't even a girl, say you will go on cam and wave to them.
This is where you open the 'Wave' clip into ManyCam. They might say like 'To prove that you are a girl, wave to me on webcam' Open your webcam in the msn chat, or if that isn't working open a chat room in TinyChat.
-Go on cam, make sure the video is playing in ManyCam and they will see you wave to them. Close out of the cam instantly, so the screen doesn't go black.
-They will now fall for it.

-Try and keep your cool
-Act like a girl
-Try and type ONLY when the girl in clip is typing, which is quite often. Otherwise you WILL get caught.
-Try and only get him to pay roughly 10m. They don't like to spend to much, but 10m almost always works!

I will come up with more methods throughout the week!
If you have anything that should be added to the guide please post it below!

Closing Statement:
That is actually everything you will be needing to begin your e-whoring adventures and now you can go sell 'yourself' for a few bucks or mills!
If this guide helped you, please Thank me and post and such.
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