1.3226 btc sended with escrow. iphone 6 gold 1x 64gb thanks
R Rayjon32 Well-known member Member Joined 10 yrs. 1 mth. 5 days Messages 533 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ February 13 - 8:29 #1 1.3226 btc sended with escrow. iphone 6 gold 1x 64gb thanks
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 22 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,858 Wallet 8,991$ February 13 - 8:41 #2 REJECTED DEAL! double! The original deal is here: https://crackingteam.to/threads/21858