How scamming students for fake lodges work


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2 yrs. 4 mth. 22 days
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This tutorial is meant for educational purposes I am not liable, of anything you use this knowledge to do.
Niggas can make $4 -10k if done right(also for niggas saying "this is what dacoke does" no I don't this is literally basic shit)

Step 1 - The scammers target students returning to school in search, of apartments to rent. They find victims by posting lodge listing, everywhere I heard Facebook market place is great for that kind of stuff
Step 2 - look for real apartment getting
leased near a school district so it's attractive to students, better to do this kind of scam when unis are resuming or about to resume students are in a hurry.Talk to the owner pretending to be a real buyer make him give you leasing info
Step 3 impersonate/clone a legit site known for leasing apartment, scammer often forward the lease documents from the real buyer to their potential victims.If they victim wants to see the place you can have him go there, or better pay someone not more than $100 to give the victim a tour.(or just rent an Airbnb for a day and let victim stay in it convincing him more)
Step.4 if victim is interested and wants to pay make him pay with popular payment options like cashapp or PayPal, also make sure the info on cashapp/PayPal matches the info you gave them beforehand

Please do not do this , scamming is bad. This tutorial is meant to show yall how it works so you know what to avoid. (I do not do this again) goodbye (all bitchy mods reading this pom gave me go ahead to do it I asked him first)

Coke Out
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