The method:
in this method, you are going to be filing aclaim to instagram stating that a certain username, is violating a trademark law. You are going to submit your claim to them, and if you are successful, they will give you a link to change your current username to your desired username. You will be jacking the username, not the account. Of course, i clarified this in the thread.
So here's how you do it. Step by step.
step 1
pick a username you want to jack. Make sure it is not outrageously active. For example, i jacked the username @qi . It was a two letter username, and i thought it looked cool. Also, it has never posted a picture before (it was inactive). Make sure that you can make a fake company name related to the username, or claim that you are a pre-existing company that this username is violating the trademark of. (for example, i picked qi, and i said my company was quite interesting inc. , at )
step 2
go to under "your name", use a fake name. (try to use the name of the owner of the company you will be impersonating) for "your email address", you will need to create an email. I would suggest using, since this is what i used every single time i jacked an account. When you create your email, make sure that the email is similar to the ig username/company. (for example, my email was [email protected]) when you are done creating your email, put your email in the form. Under "subject", select "trademark request" from the drop down menu.
step 3
in the "message" box, you will need to create a very convincing request to get the desired username. You will need to say something along the lines of that you are a proud supporter of instagram, and have never had any issues in the past, and that you love the service (this will ease up the situation). Now you will need to say that you are very disappointed,
because you wanted your company to have a company instagram account, but realized that the name of your company was already taken. You will also need to state that the account holder has been inactive for very long. (this will also ease up the situation) next, you will say that you need this account/username in order for your users/customers to stay in touch with you in an easy manner. You also need to say, that if no action is taken place, that legal action will be held against the account holder. And then you will need to provide some extra details (i will clarify this)
to make things easier, i will provide a template, on how to submit your claim. I am using the exact text of a form i submitted to instagram to jack one of the usernames i did. Feel free to use the same exact template as i did, but i would suggest changing some of the wording a little bit. Note: This is exactly what i sent to instagram via the form.
"hello, i have been a proud supporter of instagram for about a year now, and i have never been displeased. Until now. Our company 'quite interesting' would like to use the account name, 'qi' but realized the username was taken. And the account holder has been inactive for who knows how long! We need this username for our users to stay in touch with us easily. If not, legal action will be held against the account holder. Please take this into consideration! Thank you so much!
additional information:
username of reported content: @qi name of company: Quite interesting
job title: Social media rep company name: Quite interesting company website: your relationship to person or company: Social media rep
full name: Gio dimarino email address: [email protected]"
like i said, this is exactly what i sent to instagram via the form. You can simply just change out the "qi" and "quite interesting" in the text and it will most likely work! But, i would suggest changing some of the wording a little bit, and/or adding to it a little bit.
The success or fail:
If you successfully jacked the instagram account, you will be notified by the instagram team via e-mail. If you failed, you will also be notified by
the instagram team via e-mail. I will copy and paste the e-mail response of when i successfully jacked an instagram account. The response time ranges between 4-7 days for me.
Their email:
"drea, oct 21 05:41 pm (pdt): Hello,
thanks for providing this information. In order to process a username transfer, please choose from one of the following options:
1. If you would like the name to replace the username on an existing instagram account that you're already using, reply to this email and list that account's current username. 2. If you don't have a instagram account or would like to create a new account for use with the requested username, please create an account with a placeholder username that we'll change (@tempname123, for example). You can sign up for an account here on your device.
If you have an email address at your official company domain, please be sure the account is registered with an email at that domain. This makes it much easier to help if you lose access to your account in the future.
Once you reply with the account name, we'll replace the name of the account with the requested username. A username transfer only changes the username of your account, so all the content on your placeholder account (followers, pictures) will remain intact. Your previous username will then be released immediately for use by other accounts.
Thank you, drea"
in this method, you are going to be filing aclaim to instagram stating that a certain username, is violating a trademark law. You are going to submit your claim to them, and if you are successful, they will give you a link to change your current username to your desired username. You will be jacking the username, not the account. Of course, i clarified this in the thread.
So here's how you do it. Step by step.
step 1
pick a username you want to jack. Make sure it is not outrageously active. For example, i jacked the username @qi . It was a two letter username, and i thought it looked cool. Also, it has never posted a picture before (it was inactive). Make sure that you can make a fake company name related to the username, or claim that you are a pre-existing company that this username is violating the trademark of. (for example, i picked qi, and i said my company was quite interesting inc. , at )
step 2
go to under "your name", use a fake name. (try to use the name of the owner of the company you will be impersonating) for "your email address", you will need to create an email. I would suggest using, since this is what i used every single time i jacked an account. When you create your email, make sure that the email is similar to the ig username/company. (for example, my email was [email protected]) when you are done creating your email, put your email in the form. Under "subject", select "trademark request" from the drop down menu.
step 3
in the "message" box, you will need to create a very convincing request to get the desired username. You will need to say something along the lines of that you are a proud supporter of instagram, and have never had any issues in the past, and that you love the service (this will ease up the situation). Now you will need to say that you are very disappointed,
because you wanted your company to have a company instagram account, but realized that the name of your company was already taken. You will also need to state that the account holder has been inactive for very long. (this will also ease up the situation) next, you will say that you need this account/username in order for your users/customers to stay in touch with you in an easy manner. You also need to say, that if no action is taken place, that legal action will be held against the account holder. And then you will need to provide some extra details (i will clarify this)
to make things easier, i will provide a template, on how to submit your claim. I am using the exact text of a form i submitted to instagram to jack one of the usernames i did. Feel free to use the same exact template as i did, but i would suggest changing some of the wording a little bit. Note: This is exactly what i sent to instagram via the form.
"hello, i have been a proud supporter of instagram for about a year now, and i have never been displeased. Until now. Our company 'quite interesting' would like to use the account name, 'qi' but realized the username was taken. And the account holder has been inactive for who knows how long! We need this username for our users to stay in touch with us easily. If not, legal action will be held against the account holder. Please take this into consideration! Thank you so much!
additional information:
username of reported content: @qi name of company: Quite interesting
job title: Social media rep company name: Quite interesting company website: your relationship to person or company: Social media rep
full name: Gio dimarino email address: [email protected]"
like i said, this is exactly what i sent to instagram via the form. You can simply just change out the "qi" and "quite interesting" in the text and it will most likely work! But, i would suggest changing some of the wording a little bit, and/or adding to it a little bit.
The success or fail:
If you successfully jacked the instagram account, you will be notified by the instagram team via e-mail. If you failed, you will also be notified by
the instagram team via e-mail. I will copy and paste the e-mail response of when i successfully jacked an instagram account. The response time ranges between 4-7 days for me.
Their email:
"drea, oct 21 05:41 pm (pdt): Hello,
thanks for providing this information. In order to process a username transfer, please choose from one of the following options:
1. If you would like the name to replace the username on an existing instagram account that you're already using, reply to this email and list that account's current username. 2. If you don't have a instagram account or would like to create a new account for use with the requested username, please create an account with a placeholder username that we'll change (@tempname123, for example). You can sign up for an account here on your device.
If you have an email address at your official company domain, please be sure the account is registered with an email at that domain. This makes it much easier to help if you lose access to your account in the future.
Once you reply with the account name, we'll replace the name of the account with the requested username. A username transfer only changes the username of your account, so all the content on your placeholder account (followers, pictures) will remain intact. Your previous username will then be released immediately for use by other accounts.
Thank you, drea"